posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 08:00 AM
Not everyone is in love with life. There is so much conflict, turmoil and countless reasons why some people are miserable.
Also, there is a belief system, held by many, that when we die, we go to another place. I'm not necessarily speaking of heaven, but certainly a
different dimension or level that is much better than this worldly level in which we exist.
Those people who believe in an afterlife and especially those who have experienced NDEs or paranormal events, would be the first to say there is no
fear in death, but rather a place of peace and unconditional love.
I think there are millions of people content with their lot, and millions who look forward to a better experience after death. Of course there must be
some who have no belief in the afterlife who are so unhappy, that they see death simply as a release and end to their misery.... how sad.
Just my opinion.