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Anarchists on the move at RNC

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posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 08:17 PM

Police, National Guard, fire tear gas into protest group

Local police and Minnesota National Guard units are using a combination of pepper spray, concussion grenades and tear gas on a group of breakaway protesters gathered on Kellogg Boulevard in downtown St. Paul.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Delegates report sandbags hurled from overpass at delegate buses
(visit the link for the full news article)

Other Twin Cities news sites:

[edit on 1-9-2008 by gb540]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 08:23 PM
From the article comments forum:

Dear Anarchists,
1. Please shower.
2. Go "home" back to the bridge you crawled out of under, we don't want you here.
3. Read a newspaper once in a while, you might find out that 99.9% of the **** your bitching about isn't really true after all.
4. Stop attacking innocent people, stop throwing **** and **** on delegates while they are here - not only is it just flat out rude, but it does nothing but legitimize reasons you shouldn't be taken seriously.
5. Stop trying to make yourselves look like sweet innocent non-violent protesters. We know that guys are all nuts. You don't represent either political party, you just want to break things.
6. If you're so supportive of free speech, you should leave those who aren't supporting your cause alone. Again, it makes you look more stupid than you already are.
7. Take the masks off, show your faces ... you guys are so "hard" yet you have to hide behind a cover - kinda like the KKK! You are equally as crazy as they are.
8. Stop complaining that you have to obey barriers. EVERY RNC/DNC has barriers that you can't pass. Why is that? So people like you nut jobs can't to get elected officials and REALLY cause harm.
9. Read #2 again. St. Paul doesn't want you in our city. Losers.


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 08:57 PM
Funny how when it's about something most people don't understand stereotypes are OK.
If a white guy says something about blacks as a whole, it becomes a huge deal.
If a black guy says something about whites as a whole, it's a big deal (though at risk of a flood of "you're racist" comments, it's made noticeably smaller in comparison).
Unless it's something that's pounded into your head from birth as "bad." Then it gets good.

Originally posted by gb540
From the article comments forum:

5. Stop trying to make yourselves look like sweet innocent non-violent protesters. We know that guys are all nuts. You don't represent either political party, you just want to break things.

So... Because they don't represent either major party, they're "nuts" and "just want to break things?" Good one. We all know that affiliation with either major party (which are probably closer to being one and the same than most people care to recognize) makes you totally sane and free of brainwashing via trigger words and catchphrases.

Flip Flopping! Swift Boat! Islamofascists! TERROR!
Sorry if I induced an ideology seizure.

EDIT: OP... Josh?

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Magnivea]

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Magnivea]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by Magnivea

No. Because by DEFINITION, an anarchist wants to bring down society, and in general break and destroy things.

Thats what anarchism is ABOUT.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:05 PM
The black clad groups were also tipping over dumpsters, blocking road ways, lighting other dumpsters on fire, and throwing things at police. I was listening to the cops on the scanner before the link went offline and you could tell they were scared because they do not handle these large unpredictable crowds most of the time.

Their experience is one on one mostly with them tasering or beating down a single person or small group of suspects that are mostly drunks. These protesters being organized, motivated and not afraid to act in a violent manner scare the crap out of police. Cops like most anyone react in an overly forceful manner when frightened and confronted by the unknown.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Shazam The Unbowed

Anarchism is a political philosophy encompassing theories and attitudes which support the elimination of all compulsory government, i.e. the state. Anarchism is defined by The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics as "the view that society can and should be organized without a coercive state." Specific anarchists may have additional criteria for what constitutes anarchism, and they often disagree with each other on what these criteria are. According to The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, "there is no single defining position that all anarchists hold, beyond their rejection of compulsory government, and those considered anarchists at best share a certain family resemblance".

Oh, thanks for letting me know. You can type in CAPS all you WANT, nothing is a CERTAINTY in the political world.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Shazam The Unbowed
reply to post by Magnivea

No. Because by DEFINITION, an anarchist wants to bring down society, and in general break and destroy things.

Thats what anarchism is ABOUT.

Actually this is generally what anarchists believe in terms of anarchy.

a theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by UFOTECH
Cops like most anyone react in an overly forceful manner when frightened and confronted by the unknown.

I agree and for once won't blame the police when stories of "brutality" begin to surface from this.

Also, I forgot to mention that I don't agree with what these people are doing. I personally think they are wasting their time as the two party chosen-by-the-people line is a crock of poo. I was just pointing out a double standard.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:26 PM
I know it is not uncommon when some soldier gets shot by a sniper and his buddies do not see where the shot originated they some times start shooting blindly in the direction they suspect the shot came from. Some will even throw or fire grenades in any location that looks like cover just try and recover from their own fear.

Police are no different. One of them gets hit on the shield or worse yet on his helmet and the ones near him will go bat sh!t and start shooting tear gas or firing rubber bullets at random in the general direction of the crowd.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by UFOTECH

At least they have those new "safer" rubber shotgun slugs that don't need to be bounced off of pavement in order to lower chances of a fatal shot. Let's see how well they work.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:45 PM
I appreciate people who ask why.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:51 PM
Oh! And I wonder if any of these guys are government Provocateurs?
I mean, how much better to silence dissent.
They even admitted to it in Canada last year!

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Clearskies

I thought about that. It seems strange that an "anarchist group" would issue a statement making their intentions clear beforehand then showing up unarmed to face the obviously strengthened (because of your own PR statement) police force standing guard.

The way the statement was worded struck me as a bit odd also.

Peace activist Steve Clemens, 47, from Minneapolis said he was disturbed by the number of police.

Maybe a setup to draw dissenters and have an excuse for a preemptive show of strength?

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Clearskies
Oh! And I wonder if any of these guys are government Provocateurs?[/url]

According to reports of the bus incident, supposedly the buses were waved through WHILE protesters were standing on the freeway overpass with sandbags. WTF??

I'm no cop, but the situation and response for it should be pretty clear. Seems a bit suspect to me, unless of course nobody could do anything until debris was actually thrown.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Clearskies
Oh! And I wonder if any of these guys are government Provocateurs?
I mean, how much better to silence dissent.
They even admitted to it in Canada last year!

this has been going on for a while now.

its a brilliant move that kills many birds with one stone.

People seem so willing to justify violence towards ''anarchists''. They seem to think that a majority of the people there are really idiots and don't know what they are even there for.

I will agree that most people in society are idiots anyway. Idiots because they follow. If they aren't following some anarchist group, they are following a trend, or following someone else's opinion, or following some authority's doctrine.

The TRUE definition of Anarchy, posted by Osiris, is that of a limited government. Not just absolutely no government with no laws.
The picture that typical American's have painted in their minds regarding anarchy is that of a savage, wild, scary, lawless, cluster #.

Where did this image come from?

It came from the t.v., and movies and other means of propaganda. This image helps to keep a large segment of society cockblocked from whats really going on.

If your the type of person that doesn't believe that movies, tv, etc are forms of direct government propaganda, than you need to look around you and ask yourself if you really believe yourself.

The government itself is not a bad thing. The corrupt individuals who are appointed rather than elected, and people above and beyond are those that need to be booted out. These people don't want people to realize that they really don't need a large behemoth of a government, and they don't want them thinking for themselves.

The PTB are extremely intelligent and I have to give them credit where credit is due. They think like master chess players.

These so called anarchists need to go read a book and organize themselves and clearly state what they are there for. They need to be organized and disorganized at the same time. They need to go read some more and develop a commonwealth of knowledge as a majority.
Protesting used to work, but now this is the age of information...

The things we are seeing about anarchist in the MSM is propaganda and if you just agree with what they say without investigation, than you are guilty of ignorance.

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