posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan
I really don't think that is fair to say, at this point we just do not know for certain. Just because someone holds out for money does not make what
they are presenting false. You don't begrudge Steven Spielberg for not letting his newest movie leak out on Youtube other than the teaser so why
treat a common person this way?
What could well be possible is that he has been sharing his experiences and photos pretty damn openly for a long time now and one day turned around
and realized my family is barely scraping by and here I am doing nothing about it when I have in my possession something that could make our lives at
least easier in one sense. Perhaps the day came when he had to borrow money to pay his electric bill and he just said enough is enough.
Its easy to judge people when you are not in their shoes. Ya sure he could be a money glutton hoaxer, but until we know it is only fair to give him
the benefit of the doubt. I am sure it is the way you would want to be treated if your positions were reversed. Until you have walked a mile in
someone elses shoes you cannot say you would do differently as you nor anyone else truly knows the fullness of his circumstances.
Just something to consider.