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Why was there no background check on Obama??

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posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by hannamtong

FactCheck has a conflict of interest!!! They are owned by Obama's best buddy! They are TOTALLY waste of reading and lie for OBama.. use other sources.. there are plenty of them.

This is a valid question one which is being decided in our court system as we speak. Obama was required to turn over documents by the Court Order and he refuses.

Think about why Obama wants to sign Pelosi's Amnesty bill... then we can't kick him out of hte country when he is discovered!! Because he will be a citizen along with all the illegal gang member and people who have been deported!!

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

Speak for yourself.. I don't associate with Bombers and people who write books about bringing down any race!! Who want to kill others.... Who has a cousin who promoted a genocide in Kenya while they pranced around the country saying genocide is bad.... psft!!!

Hmmmm you must... you know.. deal with shady people!!

Do you know why psychologists say about people who associate with child molestors knowingly?? That they themselves are probably one too.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by hannamtong
oh ok factcheck proves other experts wrong, so I'll move on. If I were associated with Bill Ayers I would not have been given my security clearance. I would think that a potential president would be held to even higher standards.

Why, a close relationship with G. Liddy has done nothing to hamper McCain's security clearances now has it?

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by WildSkyView
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

Speak for yourself.. I don't associate with Bombers and people who write books about bringing down any race!! Who want to kill others.... Who has a cousin who promoted a genocide in Kenya while they pranced around the country saying genocide is bad.... psft!!!

Hmmmm you must... you know.. deal with shady people!!

Do you know why psychologists say about people who associate with child molestors knowingly?? That they themselves are probably one too.

Oh then please tell us you support McCaine because he has no links to people like that. Say it, say it please.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 03:18 AM
People should know at least after Clinton that questionable background data only matters to the elite NWO controllers who are playing doublespeak on regular people.

Only the elite NWO controllers can pull the plug and turn the teflon to velcro. They own the now concentrated media.

If you have to know why, it's about control, its about avoiding messy situations, and turning these people into puppets.

In the military there is no need for this kind of public control, so they check out everything. When you reach rank Colonel and Above however, there may be the same kind of over control, but by then you have already passed muster when they compromise you.

Does this answer most questions?

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 06:59 AM
you'll need to get a FOIA request to review the investigation of Obama,
i'm certain there was an background check... because he is in a position to enact Laws.

Execuitive order no. 10450 enacted 1953...

a background investigation covers these items;, ? is the candidate;

... reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and character
and of complete and unswerving loyalty to the United States...

also included in investigation; to uncover if possible: deliberate misrepresentations, falsifications or omissions of material fact...
'criminal' or 'dishonest' conduct

also makes determination; the candidates susceptibility to 'coercion, influence, or pressure' which may cause the candidate to act contrary to the best interest of National Security

The information developed by the FBI to be used also by the Personal Security office & Department of Justice, in granting National Security Clearance(s)


there are layers upon layers of guess is that the PTB, puppet-masters, know what they need to know & more---
it is only their need to make known any information about Obama or anyone else which will open up the Obama File to the public...
it matters not if Obama was born in Hawaii or Africa or Mars for that matter, Hawaii was only a territory before it became a state, and will there be a DNA test required to back-up the claim of who are the biological parents?

all this hoopla is a tactic to give the Obama name more discussion time on the pop culture circut

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by hannamtong

No evidence for all of those claims against McCain.
Liddy did not plant terrorist bombs and destoy buildings with them or kill anyone with them. What Liddy did was at the command of a sitting US President.
Obama got away with no background check and no real birth certificate. Even a simple public background search would have turned up problems, but the New Media wanted a favorite liberal so they could all act nice and claim to care, which they drive billions of people into poverty with this worldwide recession that the liberal democrates caused, when they were buying votes at $300,000 each by giving away homes and mortgages. 17 times President Bush and McCain tried to regulate Fannie May and Freddie Mac, but the democrates control the finance committee, and they blocked the regulations.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 07:55 AM
The difference between Liddy and Ayers: Liddy didn't try to overthrow the government and Ayers did. Simple as that. Ayers, adimitted by himself, got off of treason charges due to technicalities.

But that's not the point. I hold a high level security clearance that is not as high of one that Obama (if seated as President) will hold. Yes, the background check is VERY strenuous and there is no way possible I would have gotten it had I had Ayers in my background.

I think the OP makes a very good point.

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