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Coast to Coast a not so open forum

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posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:26 AM
Yes it was during the 'Open Mike' session, but that show is supposedly about the paranormal and to have let her continue might have led to a political free for all over Obama Vs. Anti-Obama, with all the other craziez maxing out the phone system with calls on that subject only. It has happened to Art as well as George before. You have to maintain control of your show or end up with crap on the air. Its just that simple. You have onair tactics and use them to keep a show interesting. To keep refering to that call in the show works in the same manner. Makes others who might jump to call in and rebut, reconsider and keeps the show flowing!


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:07 PM
I have to take the position that since it was 'open line', she couldn't be off-topic. The topic was whatever she brought up. Knapp had also just stressed, though, that he wanted good, intelligent conversation with something solid to back it up. While I was taken aback by that requirement, it was his show, and she didn't have that. She described a picture similar to ones that had already been declared to be propaganda; regardless of the actual shot, it was closely related (as in a different angle from the same event). Also, you can't show a picture on a radio show, as has been pointed out.

Knapp did ask her if this was a different event than the earlier ones he mentioned, and she wouldn't give him a straight answer. She was ranting. There was no conversation, only a rant, so he hung up on her.

I like Noory the best, too. He's no Art Bell (the KING of alternate talk radio!), but I think he does a pretty good job. I'm sure Noory could have handled it better, perhaps more tactfully, but he wasn't there. No man can work every night of his life, and even George Noory deserves a break from time to time like we all do.

I wouldn't berate the show in any case for this one instance. They bring so much information to light, and provide a forum for so many of us. Glitches are bound to occur.

And hey! It could have been Ian... I doubt he would have been as easy on her as Knapp was.


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:00 PM
I can see y'all's point about it being an ad-hominim attack. Also, you make a good point that it was/is George's show and he sets the rules. Also, I agree that CTC is a paranormal show, but you have to include conspiracy theories along with that. If (and it is a big if) you beleive that it was not an pure attack on Obama; which was my first reaction, then you could put it under conspiracy theory categories; which I did.

I was just shocked after hearing people offer as much proof as she did, make as wild of claims as she did, and be treated so differently.

Now if this has come up before (a political topic of similar nature) and they treat it the same... well that would seem consistent enough for me.

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by irongunner

I was just shocked after hearing people offer as much proof as she did, make as wild of claims as she did, and be treated so differently.

You make a valid point there irongunner. I have heard similar theories/people receive much better treatment on other episodes.

After thinking about it in this vein, maybe Knapp did go overboard. As I said before, he is not my favorite host anyway. I just hope no one quits listening over this; it's still a great and informative forum.


posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 12:30 AM
George Knapp was the host and his privilege as such is to run the show as he sees fit. Coast to Coast is not "Hardball" and I hope it never becomes that. Less elephants and donkeys and more Chupacabra's and Yeti's.

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by round_eyed_dog
George Knapp was the host and his privilege as such is to run the show as he sees fit. Coast to Coast is not "Hardball" and I hope it never becomes that. Less elephants and donkeys and more Chupacabra's and Yeti's.

How very elegantly put.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:18 AM
I heard that live, and I have to say, that woman got on my nerves.

It wasn't what she said, but her manner in delivering it... clearly inflamatory, yelling and interrupting, and she came off as very ignorant, too.

If i remember, GK asked her what was wrong with Muslims, anways, and she said they were all terrorists, and when he asked if she'd ever met one, she said she'd dated one once, but wouldn't h ave if she'd known they were all terrorists.

[edit on 8-9-2008 by asmeone2]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 10:59 AM
I listen to just about every coast to coast episode. Except open lines. I seriously can't bring myself to listen to it on open lines. It's always the dumbest people who call in with their "Oh I'm special, give me attention" stories and rarely anything of actual value.

I wish they would start cutting people off more. I didn't hear the lady, but considering the stuff those hosts put up with and are completely nice and open minded, I'd have to guess that lady was just pouring hate onto the airwaves or openly trying to promote themselves because that is the only reason I have ever seen someone get cut off.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 07:07 PM
well, I heard her live as well and I thought she came off more as confused that angry. I don't think some people's posts have accuratly portrayed what happened.

I would have to agree with badmedia that most of the people that call open line CTC are desperate lonely people looking for their 15sec. And I do believe that was what this woman was doing, along with trying to smear Obama.

I was only complaining that this was the first open line call that I had ever heard where the host was openly rude. Often they have mocked and made fun of some of the more "creative" callers, but not rude. and I do remember some people calling about other political leaders from all over the globe conspiring with forces that would do harm to humanity....

I mean after all do we know that all of the Greys or if all of the Reptilians are evil?

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 08:21 PM
Sorry it took so long to post, we had hurricane Ike in houston.

On Thursday, when Glynis McCants was on Noory clearly was favoring Obama / Clinton." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">

from the link above

This is the first election that McCants can recall the two presidential candidates both having the same lifepath number. If Obama and Biden stop focusing on Palin and get back to the issues, she predicts they will be victorious. George offered a prediction of his own-- Biden will step down and be replaced by Hillary Clinton.

George was fixated on getting McCants to give him a prediction of how Obama would win, not just could win, but would win.
He seemed very disinterested when McCants started to talk about her feelings on McCain /Palin.

Less politics, More SETI

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 08:45 PM
Let's get back in the way back machine and travel back to when Larry King was the late night king. Some of us are old enough to remember him. He went to day time radio and had a short lived program that ultimately became the talk show on CNN.

Larry King opened the door for Art Bell. Art is just a warm fuzzy group hug waiting to happen. I have many, many fond memories of Art Bell talking to me at night while working or laying in bed trying to sleep.

Both Larry King and Art Bell will always have vivid or fond memories of specific events embedded in my mind.

Now for George. He's not Larry and he just isn't Art. He's George. I have problems with George and his predetermined thoughts and his expressing those thoughts about or to guests. Some of the questions he asks want me to pull what little hair I have left, from my head. I can't tell you if I will ever really enjoy listening to George.

Another pet bit*h of mine with him is to just open the line for a few minutes for guests. It almost that he doesn't want to be upstaged by callers that have much better questions or rational thoughts. He opens the lines for everyone when he has no guest, and then the wheels seem to fall off the wagon.

I really don't know if the network has gained or lost stations or ratings changes since Art left and George came. There is so little to choose from to listen to during these hours, that the term "captive audience" comes to mind.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 08:54 PM
I am not that old, and I love open lines. One of the best times for me is when one of the hosts had two time travel callers on back to back. Each had directly conflicting beliefs of time travel and the host (cant remember who it was) treated them both as if it were the true Edger Casey sitting in the studio. That kind of independence and neutrality is what what I have come to expect from CTC, but maybe it is because I was just a kid and now I see the bias because I know what I am hearing.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 10:42 PM
It seems like something that didn’t warrant the shows attention, but he shouldn’t have laughed his head off at her if that’s what he did. I think if this woman really had such “proof” she would have taken it to Fox News…

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