posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by MsSmartypants
To the Opening Post I don't think 1995 Hilary exists anymore, I mourned her passing in 2000 when the current Hilary, the one that's bought and paid
for, revealed herself in the elections of 2000.
Daddy Bush would come forward (NOT!) before the Clintons would do anything to rock the boat of power they have grown so accustomed to sitting in.
I find Obama inscrutable in many ways and he seems to be consistently underestimated and which emboldens him. So to me, it's 50-50. I would not
dismiss him out of hand as being someone who, in their second term, may find a way of pushing this stuff into the light. Of course he would need
people in much higher places than the POTUS office to assist in that endeavor.
[edit on 3-9-2008 by TheWayISeeIt]