posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 01:21 PM
"GOD is off the table" - Nancy Pelsiovitch
While it is true that this occurs because these people feel they can get away with it, people need to understand that there are tools for dealing with
the NWO people. There are search engines available that allow one to confirm a persons identity, locate their current residence and contact
information. They have weaknesses, but their weaknesses are not located in family or people, thse are weak links. Their weaknesses are in their bank
accounts and financial transactions, their 'control' over contracts. These people are Sociopaths, they say one thing to the people so that the
people will fall in line and give them more power, then do as they please.
Many people who research and study know what kind of people Bush, Cheney, White, Rumsfeld and the others of their ilk are. The problem is getting the
people to do something about it.