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Putin accuses U.S. of orchestrating Georgian war

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posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by crmanager
reply to post by xmotex


"I believe that Putin is speaking the truth." Putin. Ex KGB. Wow!

Why would the U.S. start this?

Hegemony? Nope.

Oil? Why? The pipeline was not threatened until Russia came IN Georgia.

The election? Unless you think that Dubya is the most Machiavellian human in Earth and wields unchecked power over the world...

I can't think of a reason that would benefit the U.S.

I don't know who you are addressing, but it is not pathetic to say oil may not be an issue.

EU sanctions may come out of this against Russia, which on the face of it sounds ridiculous, I mean HOW do you sanction the Bear?

Well, I can see sanctions being used as an excuse to stop or limit buying of oil and gas by countries outside Russia. That would make an enhanced market for west-controlled hydrocarbons and take money away from Russia.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:05 PM
Martial Law is the only benefit, maybe...

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:11 PM
Initially I thought Putin was saying this to play to his internal audience. Justifying Russia's action as a response to aggression instigated by the old enemy. Now I think there might be an element of back peddling involved. The Moscow stock exchange has suffered a very significant fall and there has been a massive flight of wealth from Russia since this crisis. Could it be that his fellow billionaires are explaining to Mr Putin (who apparently is not the sharpest knife in the cutlery tray), the realities of life in a global economy?

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Fang
Initially I thought Putin was saying this to play to his internal audience. Justifying Russia's action as a response to aggression instigated by the old enemy. Now I think there might be an element of back peddling involved. The Moscow stock exchange has suffered a very significant fall and there has been a massive flight of wealth from Russia since this crisis. Could it be that his fellow billionaires are explaining to Mr Putin (who apparently is not the sharpest knife in the cutlery tray), the realities of life in a global economy?

You have been starred.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Copernicus

Well stated Coper... I also feel there is something very fishy about the timing of the so called invasion. And why is America involved anyway?? And to think, some of these morons have been conned into thinking Conellezza Rice has done a good job...

It's either a last ditch smokescreen for Bush or a first ditch con job for McCain.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 04:38 PM
Yea I am sure that American politicians ordered Russian troops to mass on the Georgian borders months before the current crisis erupted just for some election drama.

American politicians can hardly control military contractors, much less order Russian troop movements in order to prepare for this "American orchestrated" war.

Putin is playing the America bashers of the world with maestro skill. I should be rolling around laughing at all suckers who believe Putin's every word just because he says America is evil but its too bad the situation is too serious for any humor.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by wutone
Putin is playing the America bashers of the world with maestro skill.

Amen! I have noticed that people the likes of Putin and Ahmadinejad are almost like the mass media in there ability to play with people. This has happened before with Hitler. All of these men can pander to and fuel the emotions of people, getting them to abandon rational and informed thinking.

I think it is more obvious that Putin is trying to play up the importance of Russia as well as create the impression of victimization as well as savior (for the S.O. people.) I think that, in conjunction with the acts of Russia leading up to the Georgian conflict, suggest Russia has a long term plan that is in their interest.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:50 PM
Originally posted by wutone

Lets just see how well your own words describe the war monger who flushed America, it's people and it's ecomony down toilet.

Bush is playing the Russian bashers of the world with maestro skill. I should be rolling around laughing at all suckers who believe Bush's every word just because he says Russia is evil but its too bad the situation is too serious for any humor.

.... And to think, there are morons in soup lines or with dead sons who still think Bush is the good guy on the worlds stage.

The only good thing Bush has done... is give syndicated cartoonists unlimited cannon fodder

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Level X

Yea but this thread isn't about Bush and his policies, if you want one of those, it isn't hard to find.

I can bash Bush just as good as anyone else.

But it seems that only white republicans are the only people that are "cool" to bash. Its as if the only people in the world that can trick entire populations are white Americans.

Putin is just as capable, as we can see on ATS, at playing people to his agenda as Bush is. Actually Putin is probably better because he isn't American and people naturally fault Americans before they think about what really is going on.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by crmanager

The reason is clear.

The US wants to increase NATO presence in Eastern Europe as a means of military deterrence against Russia. Georgia and Ukraine, countries with pro-Western governments, are more than happy to join NATO and side with the West so that NATO (the US) can defend them against potential Russian aggression. The US gains the right to defend the country if Russian aggression occurs. Oh, and they can also establish a military presence in that country as further "deterrence".

One of the things holding back Georgia from being accepted into NATO as the US wants is the lack of "territorial integrity". Georgia doesn't rule the two breakaway provinces - that's a problem they need to resolve before they can get into NATO. So the US would be quite interested in helping Georgia take over their breakaway republics, military conflict if necessary. Then the US has the means for a justified military presence right on Russia's border, a major advantage for them. Though of course no major US news media will tell you this.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 07:41 AM
Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by crmanager

The reason is clear.

So the US would be quite interested in helping Georgia take over their breakaway republics, military conflict if necessary. Then the US has the means for a justified military presence right on Russia's border, a major advantage for them. Though of course no major US news media will tell you this.

Another example of US instigating double standard. 45 years ago America lost her bowels because Russia had the balls, and right, to park their missles off Florida... and this was to defend their interests in Cuba.

Any moron can see the US has NATO under siege.

Whats next?? ---- America wanting to blow Egypt off the map because they need to convert the pyramids into millitary bases??

But fortunately for the Egyptians, our millitary intelliegence say their women don't make good whores

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Copernicus

The situation benefitted McCain quite a lot, since the attack took place while Obama was on vacation. McCain appeared every day in the press, speaking about the conflict.

I would say it brought him back into the spotlight. And I believe Putin is on to something. Does it really seem smart to assume that the Georgians were just crazy and went to attack Russian civilians for no reason? I dont think so. This was a plan. Someones plan. And its still unfolding.

You know another thing I found interesting? When the first attack happened, I heard a CNN reporter talk about the conflict and he used the term "nobody wants a cold war yet" and then quickly changed it to "nobody wants a cold war again".

Now, a couple of weeks later, we hear talk in the media about how a new cold war may be forming. Coincidence?

I think people need to get out of the mindset that things "just happen". Somebody makes these things happen and its not because they wake up angry one day and decides to attack something randomly.

[edit on 28-8-2008 by Copernicus]

You know another thing I found interesting? When the first attack happened, I heard a CNN reporter talk about the conflict and he used the term "nobody wants a cold war yet" and then quickly changed it to "nobody wants a cold war again".

And we just might be the ignorant sheeple, while everyone and their dog in media are in the know, yet we the hard working individuals, raising families, caring about the future of our children rarely get any enlightenment from things going on behind closed doors.
It is our future for Gods sake. Things like that make me mad.

Sorry for the double quote.

[edit on 30-8-2008 by spacebot]

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