Is the Global Poverty tax a humanitarian act? Or is it a Corporate Trojan Horse? US tax dollars are spent advancing the World Trade Organization's
corporate agenda of global food control. The WTO promotes (with our money) a set of stifling international regulations on agriculture, and it promotes
patented crops. Australian, Canadian and European Union farmers have already had parts of the regulations forced on them. The results are money in
the pockets of corporations and the removal of farmers from their land.
The Global Poverty Tax funds an attempt at world control of the food supply by corporations and it affects all of us. Once family farmers have been
removed from their land, and corporations control seed and livestock through patents, it will be too late. Biodiversity and traditional farming
knowledge will be lost. Make no mistake: Even though the regulations are purported to be about food safety, they are actually about control. People
need to be warned of the true agenda behind the Global Poverty Tax.
Here are some comments of a person in Africa who is trying to save the Zebu cattle in Kenya:
Don't even start me with the USDA. They work in the world under united states urgency for international development, and they are the biggest
dumpers of dangerous foods... Village do not accept free dry milk and food staff any more, any thing with the USAID and USDA[label]... Yes we have a
lot of Government interference but
the biggest thread to our survival is the Billion of American tax money and any other rich countries sending to
Africa for poverty eradication...The government and big malty national cooperation's are our number one enemy ... The worst thing they did is
that they coursed so much land degradation of small farmers by using too much nitrogen phosphate chemical fertilizers and over relying on just one
crop without rotation. This has created the top soil to be so acidic and since the villagers cleared the trees to make room for sugar cane crops there
is nothing to prevent top soil from getting washed into the rivers then on to lake Victoria.. All the river streams flowing into the Lake are carrying
so much soil and Chemical fertilizers in such a way that in a few years there will be no Lake Victoria ...What Heifer International , and Land O lake
is doing to Africa and the world it is a shame. Heifer international Animals dies within three months of their arival to Africa [The zebu must be
killed or sold before the Heifer International animal is brought in.] Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Here are comments from India:
"The $1.2 billion the World Bank says will solve the food crisis in Africa is a $1.2 billion subsidy to the chemical industry.” Vandana
Shiva, an Indian physics professor and Organic Consumers Association Advisory board Member, speaking in Italy in response to the the U.N. food summit
in Rome last month, where the World Bank pledged $1.2 billion in grants to help with the food crisis,
most of which is earmarked for chemical
fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified (GM) crops. Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
In India “The epidemic of farmer's suicide is the real barometer of the stress under which Indian agriculture and Indian farmers have been
put by globalisation of agriculture.” Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Here are comments from the European Union:
[The EU chairlady said of Polish Farmers ] “ will be necessary to shift around one million farmers off the land..” a lady from
Portugal [then]...remarked that since Portugal joined the European Union, 60 percent of small farmers had already left the land. “The European Union
is simply not interested in small farms,”...
Jadwiga and I felt desperate to try and avert this tragedy. An uphill struggle ensued, which involved ... risking the wrath of the agribusiness and
seed corporations who were gleefully moving-in behind the EU free trade agreements while a bought-out government stood aside....Farmers, however,
stand in the way of land acquisitions; so they are best removed. Corporations thus join with the EU in seeing through their common goals and set about
intensively lobbying national government to get the right regulatory conditions to make their kill. Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
The actual Act:
Global Poverty Act of 2007 S 2433
Global Poverty Act of 2007 S 2433
(10) At the United Nations World Summit in September 2005, the United States joined more
than 180 other governments in reiterating their commitment to achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals by 2015.......
(a) STRATEGY.—The President, acting through the Secretary of State, and in consultation with the heads of other appropriate departments and
agencies of the United States Government, international organizations, international financial institutions, the governments of developing and
developed countries, United States and international nongovernmental organizations, civil society organizations, and other appropriate entities, shall
develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the
elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people
worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day....
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
I have arranged my supporting data (quotes) with comments under the following headings as separate posts.
EFFECTS OF REGULATIONS ON LIVESTOCK FARMING IN THE UK: (A special thanks to the folks at the Warmwell site who chronicled this government-made