Originally posted by dizziedame
If your speech is anything like your last post you will put your audience to sleep. That was as dry as a powder house.
lol..this is the formation of the core components of my speech. I plan to
enhance it later on after I have compiled the core elements and done
my interviews and research.
You asked for opinions........you are going to get them from me. I may seem like the ice queen but I mean you no disrespect. I want you to succeed
and feel good after you walk away from the podium.
Thank you! I appreciate your sincerity.
Question.....Why do you think the D-F students need a different speech. That's hogwash. So, in your opinion the D-F students and the gang bangers
are ignorant and on a lower level than A-C students. Wrong!!!
Give yourself an F- for that thought.
I myself was an A-student until my freshman/sophomore year in high school. It was at this point in my life that I realized that getting A's and B's
is all about being a regurgitator. When you get an A or a B, that means you were able to spew out correct answers, in a certain amount of time, to an
authority figure.
It doesn't mean you are smart, nor does it mean that you are special if you get those types of grades.
I wish to speak to the D and F range students, because of the negative reinforcement they receive from authority figures in their lives. I wish to
speak to these students to show them the options of what they can do in their lives. i.e. starting a business or investing intelligently.
I became a D and F student because I stopped doing my homework. I stopped caring when a teacher of mine told me that if I did not do my homework, I
would earn less than someone who graduated his class. He went on to say that I would earn significantly less than someone who went to college.
I wish to inspire these students especially because they have been told over and over, that they will not succeed. Repetition is one way the mind
That leads me to believe that you believe white collar crime and blue collar crime are different. A crime is a crime is a crime is a
You are entitled to your perception of reality, however I hardly focus on the specifics of crime. I see crime as something that could be significantly
lowered if the wealth was divided more evenly amongst the people.
A lot of people have stigmas about money, but think about this. Would a person rob someone if they had enough money to take care of all their bills
and enjoy a vacation every few months? Would a person kill another human for a piece of material if they had the ability to purchase it and not worry
about not being able to pay rent on time?
Would people keep attempting to escape from life by indulging in harmful habits like hard drug use and abuse?
You have no idea why some students make good grades and some don't. All students with good grades are not always model citizens. All students with
less perfect grades are not always thugs and slackers.
I don't believe I ever insinuated or stated this. If I came across that way, then perhaps there was a communication error, or perhaps I used the
wrong conjugation of words to explain myself.
I have a pretty good idea however, as I am an observer and I consciously pick up social trends and patterns. I have this amazing file cabinet in my
brain. Its cool.
My intent is not to hound the students on getting good grades, but to strengthen their minds and help them to deny ignorance.
Going to public school puts a human brain at risk in
today's society, and I am attempting to give them a bit of background info on some
important topics that are pertinent to their future as well as our own.
Separating the student body and talking down to those with lowers grades reeks of hypocrisy. How do you expect to inspire the students when you
fore-judge them? Let them know YOU expect great things from each and every one of them.
I expect them to do their best, not great things per se. That is up to them, if they so choose to take a course which would lead to great success. I
seek to inspire, but that is merely a byproduct of my entire message. I wish to inspire them to think for themselves, but what they want to do with
their lives is ultimately up to them. Im not trying to do a Tony Robbins or become a motivational speaker.
I wish to present the facts in a funny, nonbiased, intelligent, challenging, original, and revealing way.
People are different and people are the same. I plan to give a speech to the entire senior student body, and the 'undesirables' will get their own
crash course in mind control tactics (past/present/future), the hidden history they didn't learn in class, financial intelligence and monetary
theory, entrepreneurship, and quantum psychology amongst other things that Im sure will pop up.
In my opinion the grading system in public schools suck. I know many people that barely got though school and have been very successful and have
become millionaires.
I can relate with you, and I agree with you that the grading system is archaic and a form of control over students and parents alike. I too hated
Guess what???? I went on to build my own business and retire before I was 60.
awesome...this is an example of what I want to speak to these students about. That being a well paid wage slave isn't the only option. There are an
infinite amount of options, but they are guided to the wage slavery directions by going to public school.
Even if the student became a doctor, he or she would be over 80 thousand dollars in debt for their education which would take many years to pay off.
Top that off with ego's desire for the ''doctor'' lifestyle and you got one debt ridden doctor! Higher paid slaves usually just get into higher
debt. I want to include financial education!
You are taking on a tremendous endeavor. My best wishes go with you.
Thank you!
One last tip. When you walk out to give your presentation look out at your audience and imagine they are all in their underwear. It will put a smile
on your face and help you relax. [quote/]
Thanks for the tip, this will definitely help, Im sure of it.