posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 08:03 PM
It's kindof obvious what is happening right now. The gas price will go down before the election, then in Jan or Feb, it will shoot up again. It
happens every time there is an election, and most people are too worried about themselves to even notice. Just wanted to get that out of the way.
I remember when I first started driving and gas was 99 cents a gallon (10 years ago). Gas wasn't a 'monthy expense' I just put 10 bucks in and
was good to go for almost a week.
I personally think an ideal price for gas is about $1.20 a gallon, I think even $2 is ridiculous, and people shouldn't be happy with anything that
is not around $1 a gallon.
What do you think is a fair price?
When you name your price, keep in mind that we don't want the oil executives kids starving or having to go to public school!