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Mystery Virus Kills in Rural Kanpur

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posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 05:01 PM

Rural Kanpur is fighting its most frightening scourge — a mystery disease that has left a long line of bodies in its trail and doesn’t seem anywhere finished.

“Everyone here is waiting for doctors to come and examine people; but they aren’t coming and we are counting our dead.”

Santosh Prajapati is struggling to cope with looking after eight family members who have been afflicted by the disease. He has hired a tractor to shift them to a hospital in Kanpur city. “I have borrowed money from my relatives… if they remain here they will die,” he says.

No Quarantine.
No Doctors.
No Relief.

I know, I don’t have much to say.
That's just me being so *white bread* I still can’t believe this stuff goes on.
Just a little horror in the grand scheme of atrocities, but it still gets to me.
And every single article I read such as this - I start thinking *Who did it* - *Genocide* - when it might just be plain old Mother Nature.
I find myself wanting to HELP - but I’m slumped right back in the same old chair I was before - the one that’s labeled - *Nothing I can do*...
Go God Love‘em I hope they get help, soon.

[edit on 26-8-2008 by silo13]

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 11:45 PM
I've not been able to figure out why compassion stops at the border. In the U.S. we remember 3,000 killed on September 11, 2001, but ask anyone what happened on December 26, 2004 three years later and they'll likely look at you completely perplexed. When I say 212,000 people died, they know right away they weren't United Statesians and suddenly seem not to care. Wherever you're born, live or dies, you're a person and your life matters. We should continue to observe globally, at the very least care, and at the most do all we can to help one another.

Tsunami deaths soar past 212,000

edit on 10-2-2018 by saint4God because: Links

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 12:31 AM
Terrible situation, I hope some help is forthcoming.
And India wants to build more aircraft carriers
seems like they have other things to deal with 1st.


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