posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 04:17 PM
Hey all.
So, I'm new to the site, specifically to see if anyone else has had any experience with this , or know of any stories related to my "sighting"
I work at Pure Nightclub in Las Vegas as a bartender... I was working on the patio this sunday and about 12:30am I glanced up above me and saw about
10-15 symbols in varying primary colors above me in an oval/soft square shape... I, fearing I was just overtired, and delerious asked my barback if he
could see it as well. He looked up and stopped dead.."what is that??"...every customer that came up, we asked... they agreed they saw it and again
had no explanation of what it was.. At one point literally everyone, roughly 500+ people were glancing upward, and puzzled. There were no light source
below to cause any kind of light, and the symbols were so distinct, and unlike anything i'd ever seen. The light appeared to be coming from above.
There were no light trails, and it was as clear as day, almost like neon, but a little fuzzier.
For 20 minutes, we watched it, not moving... eventually the light began to fade, as if it were simply going upward. The brighter symbols were still
visible, but considerably lighter, and smaller....
then it was gone.
Does this kind of thing happen often?
The strangest thing to me was, that as soon as everyone had noticed it's precense, it was gone. And just as soon as it was gone, noone thought twice
about it again, except for the staff (since we are not tourists, and work on that patio everynight, we know thats not a common occurence.)
Any thoughts?!
Las vegas is wild, and all... But I've never seen anything like that in my life. Completely unexplainable.