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The 1993 WTC Attack

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posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 01:50 PM
Ramzi Yousef and his little cronies bombed the WTC in 1993...what are your views on that attack? The FBI knew it was coming, but didn't take the threat seriously...couldn't that be the explanation for 911, too? I don't believe it was an ïnside job" just self-promoting neglegence.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 05:22 PM
well i didn't know about that in 93.
maybe you're right. no inside job, just idiotic carelessness from idiotic goverment with idiotic president.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Dinamo
well i didn't know about that in 93.
maybe you're right. no inside job, just idiotic carelessness from idiotic goverment with idiotic president.

Go rent the movie PATH TO PARADISE.
It recounts the FBI's negligence.
One of Yousef's companions went to them and warned them they were going to attack the WTC. The FBI ignored him. Yousef is in a car crash...the police don't notice the weapons in the back of his car...its crazy.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:58 PM
look at it on other side.
if security agencies are so negligent, how easy it is then to do a inside job?

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Dinamo
look at it on other side.
if security agencies are so negligent, how easy it is then to do a inside job?

I can't see an organization that is told a terrorist attack is coming, yet can't get its # together to actually stop it, really has the capabilities of carrying out a widespread "inside job."

Besides, what is the "inside job?"

"Inside" the Port Authority? Did THEY destroy the WTC?

My uncle was a P.A. employee...I doubt they did. They wouldn't risk it, and had no reason to. If people are afraid to travel...they make no money.

"Inside" Silverstein Properties?

They wouldn't have the means without the Port Authority's knowing.

"Inside" the Government?

Again, I believe that the Government's negligence let 911 happen because they saw a valuable opportunity, but they certainly didn't attack the WTC themselves. That conspiracy would need to be so widespread it would encompass every aspect of Washington, and people would invariably speak after that.

I believe there was foreign involvement at the Oklahoma City Bombing which was ignored by the FBI. Why? Well, the same reason 911 was ignored...which is why we need to find REAL answers. And we don't find those answers by standing out street corners harassing bystanders with cries of "9-1-1 was an inside job!" Because wasn't.

[edit on 28-8-2008 by Klemperer]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 04:36 PM
I believe you raise some very good points here, also being one that saw Path to Paradise and like others have posted above it may only really take a handful of insiders rather than the whole government. Path to 9/11 is also revealing too, definitely worth watching whether you believe it or not. I don't think we should rule out that Osama and friends really did have a hand in the demolition of the twin towers and don't forget the USS Cole incident too, where a tiny boat blew a massive hole in the steel plated side of a destroyer warship. If you have ever seen the Raids on Manhattan video Osama talks about recruiting jihadists who are patience and prepared to spend 9 months or longer hiding away in buildings along with smuggling and planting explosives for their group jihad - which may of been the case on 9/11.

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