I dont personally think there is a continous coverup by the press in the uk from day to day - only maybe in exceptional circumstances would a
D notice be issued by the government and even that could be handled by out-of-the-loop
people , heck that probably includes the PM.
I think ridicule for the subject is mostly provided by the more out-there peeps ie.My sister dated jesus, aliens are taking me to court, etc,
disinformation campaigns could suffice for any national spat of sightings and may involve only 1 person - a telephone call to more sensationalist
newspaper calling attention to a UFO nut (who then ironically becomes an unwilling minion!), or just to organise a mass Lantern release across the
country probably through modern telecoms/social networking sites etc.
I doubt the above is ever called in much tho, the real coverup probably comes from institutional ignorance through the supply chain of press dealing
with storys enroute to national media;
> UFO spotted
> Local newspaper informed - Unlikely
> Local Newspaper editor runs story - A lot of UFO sightings in the uk seem to get to the local papers online just fine I have noticed, tho some would
not i guess due to pressure to be more "respectable" or lack of interest or other storys to press etc.
> Story generates sufficient interest by readers, further investigation, clever journalism to reach national press < unlikely ! most people dont know
we are not alone and somewhere it gets dropped or fizzles out.
> National Press Runs story, this is gonna be 2 things I reckon - tabloid or broadsheet, if the Sun (etc.) runs it, it gets interest and good for
them, broadsheet is more "respectable" and has lots of global storys and boring economy storys to run so might not - especially if they see tabloids
running it (unless it generates great interest)
> If its low interest local news runs it (I have seen this quite a bit with recent wave) but it ends there with a 2 minute piece tacked at the end and
> If its high interest media frenzy it works its way up to BBC, surviving their current lazy selection of competing Reuters / AFP storys (that cycle
endlessly) and ends up as a 2min piece tacked at the end with a pretty reporter dressed up in a grey suite laughing it all to heck!
Enjoy! My 2p.!!