posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by Battleline
Few weeks ago i would think that you are one of those people who unreasonably think that there could be single group with their own common interest
that is capable of forcing their ideas on the whole world. Now i am not that sure how unreasonable it is.
I still think that there are different interest groups that work in the shadows and only rarely succeed in their plans because of opposition to each
other. But your point of view , as this conflict showed me, can also be just as correct as mine. Three/two different powers, with different groups of
gray cardinals, seem to work together for the cause that will hurt interests of each side more then they can possibly gain in the future. So it could
be that people behind the throne simply agreed to play along for a while, as long as their interests are same.
But it easily can be what you suggest too.