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I may have seen a person abducted at Denver Airport.

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posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 02:21 AM
This happened about a week ago and it isn't as big and sexy as seeing a flying saucer or managing to lock a sasquatch in the trunk of my car, but it left me shaken for a few hours and a few strong drinks after I'd arrived at my destination. Maybe it's nothing at all, maybe I was just jumpy.

I travel a lot so I'm pretty in tune with how the flux of foot traffic in airports flows, and I've seen more than one person removed from lounges and even flights by security (usually for being drunk and disorderly, natch). But last week I saw the strangest thing.

Flight was delayed so nothing to do but hurry up and wait around. I was half-reading a book and half text message flirting with this girl I met in Chicago when I looked up and saw a woman flanked by two men being none-too-subtlely led toward one of those keypad doors that are scattered all over the place. She was frail and thin and looked scared. She seemed to be trying to make eye contact with anyone at all but the two men kept redirecting her to look straight ahead. The really weird thing is she was wearing these really flimsy shoes (I admit to having a thing for women's shoes) that looked like they were made of paper and were caked in mud. She just vibed "out of place", vibed "duress".

I don't know if anybody else even noticed because people never pay attention in crowds. As one of the men was punching numbers into the keypad (he was careless, I saw the combination, memorized the numbers, but did nothing with this knowledge) I said "Hey, what are you doing with that woman?"

One of the men looked at me and said "This is airport security business, sir. Unless it involves you somehow I suggest you stay out of it if you wanna make your flight".

I backed down. Maybe I shouldn't have, maybe I should have. Maybe it was someone being detained for some legitimate reason by the (plain clothes for some reason) "airport security" guys. Maybe something else was happening and I just let it happen because my heart is made of chicken.

All I know is that as it was happening, hours later in my hotel suite and now a week later, it has continued to come off creepy, feel spooky.

So I finally signed up for an account here (I've been reading a long time) to post about it because when I had the chance to maybe stand up and do something, I didn't.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Leo Loeb

I'm sure you remember her description? Have you looked thru local (per that airport) news outlets for anything? Browsed that local's police dpt online arrests? (most metro sized cities offer one). Looked online for "missing woman" pages?

Just a couple thoughts.

The paper footies have me wondering. Sounds like hospital footwear.

I think I'de have a few afterwards too ........ and I've been sober almost 12 years!

[edit on 24/8/08 by Misfit]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Misfit

Looking through missing persons in that area is a good idea, although she was so emaciated and her hair was cut so short and she was dressed so shabbily I'm not sure I'd recognize her if that wasn't the way she looked when she turned up missing. She definitely did *not* look like she was prepared to fly the friendly skies.

The logical part of me wants to say that she had some kind of medical condition and they were taking her someplace where she could rest comfortably until family/friends/a hospital showed up to take her. The shoes definitely did look like hospital shoes, or like shoes expressly designed not to be worn except up and down hallways.

But that explanation doesn't really satisfy the part of me that was there watching all this happen.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 02:50 AM
While that certainly does sound like an unusual incident, you should try not to feel badly over it or, in some way, responsible for not doing something more. In reality, I imagine many people would not even have made the initial comment to the "security" people. It is possible that because she seemed "out of place" that somehow they were alerted to her presence. Perhaps they were even looking for her. If she seemed disheveled, it might not have been the result of anything sinister. Sometimes, mental illness can take hold of the nicest people and require intervention.

You (or I for that matter) have no way of knowing if that was the case in this instance but just the fact that you care and have cared for this long already puts you in a better place than most people. Continue to focus on the world around you and I'm confident you will be the type of person to help out in a situation when the time comes.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:29 AM

The really weird thing is she was wearing these really flimsy shoes (I admit to having a thing for women's shoes) that looked like they were made of paper and were caked in mud.

The paper was probably hash, and the mud was probably crack.
Was she forighn looking by any chance?

Look if she had screamed: "I'm the last of the family!!! These people are about to abduct me and take me to area 51 and do weird experiments on me!!!"
Then I might at least have given it some thought.

The fact it was...

She just vibed "out of place", vibed "duress".

Means she is probably being the typical criminal of being mad that someone has the morals to do a good job (like law enforcement) and uses the nearest oppurtunity to shout "racism, sexural harassment, duress or indeed ect" as some form of copycat "logic".

And if she looked scarred it might "they kill people like me in my country" obviously anyone is scarred if the FBI ect catch you (even if it was a mistake).

One of the men looked at me and said "This is airport security business, sir. Unless it involves you somehow I suggest you stay out of it if you wanna make your flight".

You ought to be careful. Otherwise that mind of yours is going to land you in serious trouble. You don't want the next "goverment victum" you interrupt to slip some drugs in you're pocket do you, especially before you get arrested!!!

Besides Let the government drag people of to area 51 and do weird experiements on them. For god's sake even if they were what could you do about it!!!
Besides I thought they collected those people from 3rd world countries,
not u.s airports where even a ticket costs more than enough to ensure against a "life" time of starvation.

[edit on 090705 by Liberal1984]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:37 AM
She was probably an abducted MK Ultra mind control victim who escaped from biological experiments being conducted by Aliens in the subterranean base the NWO has beneath the Denver Airport.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Hopefully she's okay. Don't get me wrong the TSA and DHS suck! Oops...I'm definitely on the list now.

[edit on 25/8/2008 by kosmicjack]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:49 AM

She was probably an abducted MK Ultra mind control victim who escaped from biological experiments being conducted by Aliens in the subterranean base the NWO has beneath the Denver Airport.

Or Osama Bin Laden’s wife!!!

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 01:41 PM
First off, I think those pesky "DIA is the NWO HQ" rumors are crap. However, Denver airport has a SERIOUS creepy factor. I travel in and out of there on occassion and seen an incident or 2. Security is normally a bit more "subtle" than that. Any idea what happened? Not a clue. Surprised it happened at DIA? Not at all.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 02:06 PM
The fact it happened at Denver is the part that would have me worried, I've been through Denver, I've stood and analyzed the paintings (Weird paintings at that).

Looking at what the OP said, muddy feet, shabbily dressed, and short hair, maybe she was already being detained and tried to flee? I've seen people detained at Airports several times as most people have, ever seen them tell the person detained to look straight ahead and the person comply? i doubt they would unless they knew of the consequences of not doing so.

Normally (if you could call it normal) the people being detained kick up a fuss for several minutes before they realize they are doing themselves no good at all.

OP what where these people dressed like? did they look like they where part of any security Agency? and did you notice if anyone else was paying attention to these events?

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 03:02 PM
Weird. Is it normal for airport security to be dressed in plain clothes? I'm no globe-trotter but I've spent my fair share of time at airports and all I've ever seen are the uniformed type.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by azzllin

Normally (if you could call it normal) the people being detained kick up a fuss for several minutes before they realize they are doing themselves no good at all.

OP what where these people dressed like? did they look like they where part of any security Agency? and did you notice if anyone else was paying attention to these events?

That has been my experience too, with regard to those who are detained by airport security. They are also generally doing something flamboyantly wrong, like being loud and drunk or else they're making a fuss in the security screening area. In the latter case, it seems like they're usually ushered into the "extra security screening area" before they're taken away. I once saw a guy get into a heated exchange with a bartender, to the point that he was grabbing the bartender by the collar and speaking right into his face, who wasn't actually detained until he'd boarded the plane (I was on the same flight as him). When that guy was led off the plane, I'm sure everybody but me was wondering what he had done. This woman wasn't doing anything of the sort, she just seemed shell shocked.

The guys were not dressed like normal airport security, and in fact if they hadn't identified themselves to me, threateningly, as "security" I wouldn't have been sure. They looked more corporate casual than anything else...I think one guy had on a tight polo shirt (I remember he had huge pecs, not man boobs but pecs) and the other dude had on a sport coat over a polo shirt. The guy with the sport coat was older and neither of them looked like a barrel of laughs.

None of the other people milling around really seemed to notice, or they tried not to.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 11:51 AM
I know all the extra security is for our safety, but you can see the fear on peoples faces as they approach the Security area's, even though people know they have done nothing wrong, they are still afraid they will be singled out, for a spot check or if they have forgotten something in their pockets.

IMO that fear should only exist in people with something to hide, not everyday folk on their way home.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:10 PM
That fear that everyone feels is somewhat a symptom of the way the government treats its people overall. With all the liberties we've lost and all the good citizens being hauled away and jailed, we all feel like everything we do or think is suspect. I'm still young, but this is not the place that I would want to raise a family.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 01:08 PM
Well, I don't know what to think. I would be more inclined to suspect that it was a medical issue. Perhaps she was being transported for treatment ...

I don't know, but I would think if they were really abducting her they'd have made it a bit less obvious? Or maybe not, maybe they think no one pays attention.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 01:13 PM
I live in Europe, but travels due to my job to the US at least once a year, mainly to CA.

Back in the spring of 2001, some months before 9/11 I went to Washington D.C. for a forensic course and I still remember the friendliness of the security officers. Even the little stamp in my passport looked nice and said something like "Welcome to the US" or similar (I have changed passport since then, so I cannot check exactly what the stamp said).

After 9/11 I didnt travel to the US until 2005 (when I started my new job for a US-based company) and then everything had changed to the worse in my opinion. That year I was going to Las Vegas for a conference flying via Boston.

I have been blessed with a mean face apparently (I have a shaved head and a small beard and are quite large...helped me when I was a bouncer btw, but now I am trying to be extra nice to people to mitigate the meaness factor a little) since I got tagged with "SSSS" on my boardingcard which apparently was "Special Screening"

And so I was taken aside by security staff in Boston and manually frisked, all my handluggage was unpacked and went through some sort of sniffing machine. I had to take off my shoes etc. It actually took so much time I missed my connecting flight and had to stay over in Boston.

When I looked at the stamp in my passport, this time there wasnt a nice stamp, but a meanlooking one with the words "TSA - Admitted to the US" and the date...

I was apparently tagged in some sort of database, since the morning after when taking the first flight out to Vegas I got the treatment *again* (together with a German guy that was going to Vegas for a confereance like I was) and had to wait until everybody else on the flight had passed through the security check at the gate. (And frankly, some of these guys going to Vegas looked *really* suspect!)

After my week in Vegas I took a flight to SFO and *again* I was checked and on the flight from SFO to London once the end it was almost funny.

I came to the conclusion that it really was my appearance that trigged this.
As I said I have a shaved head and a beard, and dressing all in black (black shirt and black "cargo pants") was definately a mistake.

So next time I went did an experiment and dressed a little bit like a "nerd", beige pants and some sort of non-descript shirt and hey presto, I wasnt tagged.

When I flew another time I dressed more "macho" and didnt get tagged, but got more attention than others from the security staff when I arrived in the US...

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