posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:39 AM
Hey guys, been away for a couple of days due to being busy with work and my dad having my comp due to his computer being broken and getting fixed.
Anyways, thanks again from the support of you guys that aren’t hating me for not having “evidence” or thinking I’m some kind of “government
plant” or “liar” or some other ridiculous claim like that. So yea, thanks (goukilock, sdrawkcabII, FlySolo, It lou360, and kyred).
Thebudweiserstuntman - you knew what I meant. Sometimes I call dvds, tapes. So what?
FlySolo - couldn’t agree more with that observation. I started this thread letting everyone know off the bat, honestly, that I didn’t have any and
that it was just an experience report, being my first, because I thought people would be interested with me sharing.
It lou360 - yes, I’ve heavily researched and read about reptilians, chemtrails, area 51, HARRP, and tons of related things along those lines. It is
very scary, but I am not so sure exactly what I believe, other than general understandings about where I stand in understanding the universe. But,
yes, I’ve looked into many of those types of avenues.
Kyred - yea, I’m still skeptical of whether I should post an experience report to MUFON or not.
Bloodcircle - WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!? knows_but_doesnt too!! Give me your evidence or anything of what you’re talking about!! I told you
I’ve never been on here posting before! I’m not trying to hide anything from you, you can even go to my websites to see who I am. I am not trying
to hide anything or make you believe in anything I’m telling you or try and manipulate you in anything whatsoever. All I did was post what I had
just experienced, being my first in any personal UFO-type encounter, and let everyone know outright, I had no evidence and that you didn’t have to
believe me if you didn’t want to. I just copied and pasted the myspace message I sent my friend after it happened being a visitor of the site many
times in the past, and being into the subject of UFO’s and aliens for many, many years, thought you guys would be interested in hearing it and just
me being able to spread it out there to see if anyone else had experienced anything similar. Or if anyone close by had seen anything similar nearby or
around the same time I had, or whatever. I don’t know what you’re guys’ problems are or why you think I’m lying or have been here before, or
what the hell kind of weird agenda I secretly have in something as innocent as just posting an experience report, but seriously, grow up, and you have
no clue what you’re talking about. I would be interested though, if someone else genuinely posted anything similar to what I have witnessed…
Sorry, just had to respond to all the new posts. Don’t know why so many people are so hostile here. I am being completely honest, but you don’t
have to believe me if you don’t want. Just don’t spread lies about me. It irks me, and is quite annoying when I don’t deserve it. Thanks.