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Barak Obama's true color

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posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:28 PM
Hello all
I would like to humbly offer a meme I have been pondering some time now.Mr.Obama is neither Black nor White,as they say,but what is he?And how does that relate to us the Citizens He would represent? Well I declare he is PURPLE.You can see what I mean by how does he represent us all,being purple as we all would be by voting for him.Just a thought.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by trueforger

Could you explain what a "meme" is?

Also what does "IMHO and "OP" mean?

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by irevolution

IMHO = In My Humble Opinion

OP = Original Post/ Original Poster (depending on how it is used).

And to the OP- nope, I have no idea what his color (and really, purple?) has to do with how he would represent us, especially considering he has more than one (like a lot of people do.)

To be blunt, I really don't understand your point at all.

edited for typos

[edit on 22-8-2008 by Alora]

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:49 PM
Obama's a U.S. citizen, that's how he would represent us (the rest of the U.S.). I don't think color matters at all. If I believed the way he did on the issues he could be green for all I care.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:51 PM
Most people here dont understand or even know the colour-classifications and dynamics of memes. So your post is nearly pointless unless you do a whole lot of explaining.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:26 PM
A meme is a viral unit of information.Could be a hot new joke that circles the globe in a day.It has a life of it's own after being 'launched'.
OP is opening post.
IMHO is in my humble opinion.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:42 PM
OK I thought this was easy.So much for the humor aspect,but here goes...The two opposing camps in todays political dichotomy are the reds and the blue ones.Reds are republicans and blue,democrats.The regions of the country that are evenly divided have been dubbed purple,by,I recall,the late Tim Russert.This concept was newly coined during and for this election cycle,which brings into my explanation the concept of the 'Meme",which is a novel unit of information which is instantly recognizable as a concept using but one word.Chromatically correct,too.
Now Mr President-to-be is half Afro half Anglo,or in other words,half 'Black' and half White.So I thought it was worthy of this forum's time to introduce a humerous,novel way to talk about race issues which might allow finding commonality among those skittish about the unknown and novel and half Black.As opposed,I suppose to Mc Mighty White.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 06:07 PM
Obama is biracial but we live a nation where the biracial man or women, especially those who are half black, is considered black until he or she produces offspring to look white enough.

stupid I know.

Outdated... I know...

[edit on 22-8-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by trueforger

IMHO this gets my vote for most ignorant OP posted today by an OP.

To be racist AND colorblind is never a good combo.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

What exactly makes my post ignorant?Ignorant of what?I live in a very redneck place and have been a fighter for equal rights speaking out at every chance I get and won't take yer noise.I try humor sometimes and do make wry observations which them-that-go-off-half-cocked react exactly wrongly to often.Yer in big company.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by trueforger

Your post shows ignorance because nobody here can follow your line of thinking. "ignorance" in talking to your audience - elaboration is key in this instance

i *THINK* you're trying to say that Obama's skin color matters.

I *THINK* you're saying that since he's not 100% white or 100% black, then he *HAS TO BE* Purple?

If thats the case - then that IS a racist comment. It might not be malicious - but it is racist.

Anyone who makes skin color an issue of anything is just plain out of sync.

The republicans did this in the beginning by "barack the magic negro" and "barack isnt black enough"

Then the bigotry ensued with "barack is a Muslim"

and then the ignorance and stupidity with "barack isn't a citizen" and "oh yeah he is, look, he's a dual citizen"

The election years bring the worst out in people....especially when it comes to their mental capacity.

i guess its a good thing that Obama is offering a wonderful education system

maybe there's HOPE for the 2020 election season after all

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 09:20 AM
Yes well in my Oxford English dictionary,under 'racism' the definition is about one who recognizes race based differences between people.Racialism is what to call one who looks down upon another based on racial characteristics.I am,by that reasoning a racist.For example,I cannot understand ebonics,that inner city lingo,nor patoi(mon).But I don't think less of people for it.But to pretend he is not dark colored and to congratulate oneself because you overlook the obvious,that is to ignore it,is truly ignorant.The main reason people won't vote for him is the unstated fear of the black in the man.Oh you'll hear all sorts of talk around it,like,pretending he's some unknown(despite all that has been written about and by himself)no one will 'fess up and admit that the thought of voting for a Black has them a bit uncertain.So the use of rhetoric to seem non racist by pretending the matter is non existent.Which fails.
All I was trying to do was to offer a way to reach out to people who have at least the honesty to talk about the issue.I never said he must be purple.Are you really that humorless and dense?It was just a suggestion.We the purple.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 11:01 AM

I never said he must be purple.Are you really that humorless and dense?It was just a suggestion.We the purple.

I once had an encounter with a fellow student in high school. This person was talking about me to another guy in the hallways - and was supposed to be my 'friend'. I walked around the corner and he said "oh man i was just joking"

Its hard to recognize a joke - so if your posture was humor - you failed.

So the use of rhetoric to seem non racist by pretending the matter is non existent.Which fails.

I agree.

Yes well in my Oxford English dictionary,under 'racism' the definition is about one who recognizes race based differences between people

A rose by any other name, is still an impossibly finicky flower with a lot of thorns. Why is it important to clarify what skin color he is?

Look, in the end, you and I may be on the same boat, im not sure, because its hard to follow your chain of thoughts.

Why does skin color matter?
If it does not matter, then why bring it up?

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 11:18 AM
trueforger, I understand your post and I get it. I think it's a good thought.

Red and Blue makes purple, people!
Red states mixed with Blue states, make purple states!

Obama would be a president for all the people, not just blacks, nor whites, not just red states or blue states.

A man for all the people. What color are your pixels today?

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
trueforger, I understand your post and I get it. I think it's a good thought.

Red and Blue makes purple, people!
Red states mixed with Blue states, make purple states!

Obama would be a president for all the people, not just blacks, nor whites, not just red states or blue states.

A man for all the people. What color are your pixels today?

If that is the approach - then i would agree as well.
Maybe it just had to be "dumbed down" for my inferior intellect?

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 11:21 AM
It depends. If one is defending him against his racist pastor or his own comments, hes white. However, if we are talking about how historical it is or his victim status, hes black.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:03 PM
Now my true message is coming clear.Thank you for getting it.Listen my last apprentice was a big Black guy.We did not always get along,and he went his way,but we're definitely friends yet.So we talked about race alot,disagreed plenty,but in the end we got each others point and it is still illuminating my process.Barak never claimed the victim status and that is one of the many impressive things about him.It's all in his book,a great read.
Whites do have plenty of advantage due to institutionalized racism,even today.And fear of retribution.Of course we all have to get over it,and I've always thought that inter mixing marrying and mating would be a huge part of that solution.Beautiful coffee colored people with even a F-4 type advantage.(That's loose genetics speak of mixing two very different yet related gene pools to yield individuals of enhanced size and vigor,in plants.That first generation is possible to be the vunderkind.)Yet why not a word besides that tired old,"Mulatto".It would offend me as much to hear that as the word Bastard does me today.I use Dastard.We're all purple people.I bet even Mr Barak won't vote Republican,so he'd be one as well,even if he was green.Even McCain could.In theory.
Anyway,I knew he was the Man the first time I heard him speak,before I knew who he was or anything about his color or anything.I remember hraring a snippet during the course of my work which involves intermittent radio interruption,you know,anyway,and saying I wish this guy would run and getting laughed at you fool he is running!That's Obama!
No anti sentient being intent from me!This is just one more arrow in the quiver of argument to persuade the reluctant to feel a bit more at ease and pull that lever to the left.Hope to not have bored anyone with my wordiness,but at least I know how to spell.

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