posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 06:46 AM
I get really tired of the amount of people out there warning us all to wake up to this whole NWO thing before it occurs because in my opinion, it was
too late long before any of us were born. The only people listening to those who talk about 'waking up' are the ones who are already awake to the
things that are going on in our world whilst the vast majority remain frightfully ignorant.
We all like to say that something must be done but I'd like to ask, beyond educating myself, keeping mainstream media at a great distance and giving
out my ideas in the conversations I have in everyday and on websites like these, what else can be done? If everybody suddenly thought the way we do on
this website, it would all be over in a moment due to mass non-participation. How can you control anything when the mass collective says no.
In short, there aren't enough of us in any form of unity to stop anything. The next time you hear someone ask you what you're going to do and how
much of this is your fault, damn them. You've already done your part in this and that was to wake up. The guilty parties are primarily these
'elitests' and secondly, the rest of the world for being so pig ignorant that Paris Hilton's porno videos, Britney Spear's breakdown and who wins
this rigged US election has become more important than life itself. I refuse to place the blame on myself with this one because short of going out
there and blowing up government buildings in some sort of terrorist act, I have acted entirely within my boundaries as a civilised human being. My
weakness in this material world was my choice to love and not to hate. My children will grow up to understand the dangers of this world both seen and
unseen and that people, is what part I will play in all this.
Finally, three suggestions for non-participation...
1. Get rid of the TV (Its distractive, its wastes you and your time, its not a form of truth, it forms your opinions for you, it works against your
development and progression as a spiritual being)
2. Get rid of the radio (Much the same a TV)
3. Promote points 1 and 2 to those around you