posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:29 AM
Not drugs but machines ( tech doping )...
What you are seeing is the result of a new training method called Vibration Training. Its were you elicit an involuntary reflex in muscles ( similar
to fight or flight ) at up to 12 times your own mass through Hyper-gravity loading and Mass x Acceleration formulas of the machines.
Check out
Its not exactly new and was used by Russia in the 70s, but the engineering issues have held back this science for years. Also involuntary reflexes
are not taught in sports science curriculums , so education in this area is low. It has a long way to go before it is perfected but its already
starting to change the way people train.
Basically turning on responses animals use all the time.
Funny enough the U.S. is the furtherest behind in this science and import the highest number of Chinese replica units made of plastic ( should be
steel or other heavy mass material ) . The Chinese gymnastic team use steel machines from Holland.
I would say by the next games you will see more records being broken in most sports.
Note: It does not really effect cardio , mainly movements relying on fast twitch and raw strength.