I found this when browsing through YouTube for nostalgia reasons. Around the 1:59 is when the sentence starts. Which word do you hear? I keep hearing
the f word, but a small amount of people I talked to said they heard "fought" or "fight". What do you think? Apparently, this aired on live
television, so if it's the "f" word, some people may be getting in trouble.
Nooo.. it's not a naughty word.. it's definitely 'fought'.
They're using an effect on the voice.. a -2 octave transposer with x-modulation..and there's a slight delay(slap-back echo).
The emphasis on the vowel is causing a percussive effect that sounds a little like a 'k' in the echo though.. It took a couple of listens to figure
it out.
The above three posts don't help much, since they're all different answers. I can't hear "fought" no matter how much I listen to it, and although
"fight" makes sense, there's no way an "i" sound is in there. Also, a lot of the YouTube comments contrast as well, so we need more opinions on