posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 02:54 PM
I have an E-Machine that finally went *boom*.
We bought this a long time ago, brand new. $300. We used it without problems for 4 years. Then I got Viruses / spyware, etc. Ultimately the Blue
Screen Of Death.
I took it to a shop and for $100, they got it running, cleaned and I was back online. I got about another years use out of it and then the BSOD again.
I think I let the antivirus expire on it.
I attempted to boot it up a couple of times, but it goes through it's boot up and instead of loading Windows, I get the BSOD.
I was thinking about trying to "fix" this one, just for the experience and to have another system running in the house, just for quick net surfs and
google look ups etc.
Anyone feel like it's worth the time for me to do this?
Am I thinking right, that if I can get it booted, I would immediately uninstall all the antivirus, etc and immediately go down load AVG, SpyBot and
CCleaner. Those are the ones I'd like to use.
I don't have the OS disc that came with it, so is this going to be hard to do?
Thoughts, concnern and advice appreciated and welcome.