posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:58 PM
Events relating to
AP Show 28 have given Martin and I a unique opportunity. If you
listened to show 28, you might be able to guess how this good stuff happened.
We might (might) get a chance to ask Senator Joe Lieberman (Ind., Connetticut) just one (1) single question, during the 2008 GOP convention.
So, here's your chance to lend us a hand. If YOU could ask Sarah Palin just one question...what would it be?
Podcasters may be part of "the new media," but they still don't get this kind of access. Martin and I have pulled off a little Schlock-and-Awe of
our very own, which has resulted in this high profile opportunity.
This isn't a done deal. The odds of getting picked for this plumb assignment are small. It could be just the thing we need to make a big slash...I
mean...splash. If we get to use your question...YOU will get 10,000 Applause Points.
Think. Post. Make us proud!
Please FLAG, STAR & DIGG This Mutha!