posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 10:04 AM
Imagine that everything is connected and universe and the mind is connected and there is a collective subconscious and that when we imagine a daydream
or have nightmare that these things actually manifest. Ever have a dream or or a nightmare and then i or at least part of it comes true or dejavu.
it has been said that there are something thinks you can always be sure of and death is one of them. Well remember in the gostbuster movie he was
trying to thing of the least harmful way to die and it manifested into the giant stay puff marsh mellow man.
well right before 911 i saw lots of movies and cd covers showing the manhatten of fire the twin tower being blown up. It was in our subconscious that
something like this was going to happen around the year 2000 and it did.
so what if you knew you were going to to die but theres a catch you pick the place time and means of execution.What would it be.
for some reason when i try to think of the most painless quickest way to die my mind cant help wonder off into some really crazy far out messed up way
to die.
so i ask you this question six millions way to die!! infinite really choose one
here are some
1.Aliens attack
2.2012 planet x nibaru great flood
3.World war 3
4.Comet giant meteorite
5.World plague disease
of course most would say i would like to die in my sleep or during sex or by drugs
but for some reason when try to think of the most peace fully way to die my mind cant help congure up something really horrific
so i ask ask you all again six millions ways to die choose one
and i also as is it possible to manifest our worst nightmare into a reality this is what i believe the movie cloverfield is about.
again sorry about the all caps im turing them off now. Sorry
Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.
[edit on 20/8/2008 by Mirthful Me]