posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 12:42 PM
Another repercution, but on a lesser degree, is Israel.
Israel neighboors, as always, want to get rid of Israel. They have reasons after all, not just religious reasons.
The government in Pakistan have now been ``overthrown`` we'll see how this turns out. For now the Pakistanis nukes are supposed to be in US hands aka
guarded by US special forces. The others puppet regimes in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are just hanging with the US because they are paid and
use the police to oppress their people. But all things comes to an end... like it did in 1979 in Iran.
When the US economy fail, the enemies of Israel will see Israel as weak and may go after it. With Iran ballistics missiles, maybe nukes soon, and
Syria contracts of modern weaponery with Russia, like the nuclear capable Iskander missiles, they will have an advantage against Israel. Back in the
day, in the 73 war, no enemies of Israel had impressives missiles capabilities and had only outdated weapons.
Saudi Arabia have modern stuff... M1A2 tanks, F-15E aircrafts...
Egypt also have modern stuff. 225 F-16s, MiG-21s, F-7 Skybolts, F-4 Phantom, Mirage 5, Mirage 2000 and soon Mig-29. Americans M1A2, M60A3, M160A5,
Crotale anti-air missiles... modern stuff.
Jordan have only F-16s...
So unless Israel gets F-22s... and a bunch of them, Israel could not sustain an all-out assault by Egypt, Syria, Lebanon Hizbullah, Iran, Saudi Arabia
and Jordan armed forces. They would be forced to use nuclear weapons.
[edit on 20-8-2008 by Vitchilo]