posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:55 AM
PF - Don't worry about the IGNORANT persons on this forum, some people either can't read or just jump on the first link they see and then open their
poop spewers. To tell you the truth, I've never seen more Ignorance on one forum board than I have in this place... so don't feel bad. (You will
also find some very nice and smart people on this board, you just have to weed out the jerks). Any time you have an anti-anything site
(anti-ignorance in this case) you will attract the opposite also. If it was an anti-gun site you would see all kinds of 2nd Amendment junkies here.
You have an ignore button for a reason, so you can IGNORE IGNORANCE! hehehe
Now, about your post. I feel that it's definitely possible that UFO's can shapeshift. Why not?! Makes sense they may want to blend in and an
airplane or helicopter would seem like an easy and logical way to do so. I'd say though, that if this was ever proven (that they shapeshift to
heli's) then wouldn't we all get quite paranoid! I know I would. You would always be wondering if that plane flying over was in fact a plane or a
UFO watching you. Yeah, would be strange to have UFO's morphing all the time. Good topic, I never thought about it before. Hmmmm, gonna have to
look more into it. Thanks for the post.
[edit on 20-8-2008 by thecandyman]