posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 10:38 AM
Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
I am confident there are no alien photos online, and very possible that no real alien photos exist anywhere.
There is, however, a huge amount of UFO photos online. No telling what they are, since most are a blurry moment frozen in time, but hey are there.
There are also tons of UFO videos online, but the same warning applies to those as well.
Thanks for your input everyone... Ignore you make a bold assertion... If you are correct this can only mean one of three things:
1. - Ebe's do not exist, and have no connection to UFO's that are in fact top secret military planes and other phenomena.. implying that all
witness testimony / documentation is wrong
2. Ebe's do exist and pilot UFO's, and some witness testimony is correct, however they either do not wish to be photographed.. or the military does
not allow photograph's to be taken of them
3. Ebe's do exist, witness testimony is correct, photograph's have been taken but will never be found on the internet or leaked
However the fourth option is most appealing to me:
4 - Ebe's do exist and some witness testimony / documents are correct, some UFO's are their craft, and they have been photographed and somewhere on
the internet exists a photo of a real ebe..... This is what worries me... I would love to believe most of the witness testimony.. but you would think
someone would have a photograph of an ebe... Unless they can't release it or something.., Seriously though Clifford Stone looks so emotional when he
is interviewed in UFO: The Best Evidence it is hard to deny...
Which option is most appealing to you? ALso I agree in using discretion when viewing images / photograph's of UFO's, but there is plenty of material
that seems to be the real deal in my humble opinion... and available radar data is indisputable.
Willbert - I;m afraid I don't agree after all.. I think it is just a matter of the different perspectives in the photograph's, it would have been
nice though