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Earth's Core Winding Down

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posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 08:50 AM
About a year ago.. I had this really weird dream about the earth's core turning from iron to bronze, and all the magnetism on the planet dissipated. The dream was really bizarre as it ended in global catastrophe. Ok crazy dream I admit.
A few days later, I ended up having to replace the battery in my car.... and then the battery in my my cell phone die. (I know I know.. just coincidence)

Maybe this dream came from something I read in the bible, or some prophecy, etc. I dunno where that notion came from, but it was a little bizarre.

So anywayz.... Today I happen to catch this article about a dude at whom writes about Earth Changes in Magnetic Field.

I'm not TOO paranoid about this, but there is apparently something happening to Earth below the surface. If you think about our satellites becoming vulnerable (there goes your tv, your cellphone, your gps) and suppose its gets a little worst.. all the sudden we lose our protection from solar radiation, etc.

Now if you think about it... there are many things which are dependant on magnetism to operate. If something catastrophic did happen and earth lost its magnetic properties, we would most likely lose all of our electrical gadgets that we depend on.... Perhaps even put us back in the stone age. I'm certainly no prophet, but simply offering some food for thought.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 09:30 AM
We'll just Bruce Willis in to save us all.......

Failing that we'll just send Bush to the centre of the Earth, I'm sure his hate for humanity will cause enough friction and therefore heat to start the core up again.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 09:32 AM
You probably watched that movie, "The Core".

Here ill get you a link, check it out.
If you havent seen the movie yet, im sure you would be very interested in it, since its right up your alley. It wasnt too bad either.

and sorry DataWraith, Bruce Willis wasnt in The Core,

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
You probably watched that movie, "The Core".

Here ill get you a link, check it out.
If you havent seen the movie yet, im sure you would be very interested in it, since its right up your alley. It wasnt too bad either.

and sorry DataWraith, Bruce Willis wasnt in The Core,

I know that, but Bruce is always there to save the Earth in some form or other, look at armegeddon, and die hard 4

I remember he also signed up for the war against terror just after 9/11 . God Bless Bruce..... (poor old sod)

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 09:46 AM
Well, there are articles to be found that say this is indeed happening.

Three articles from National Geographic on the issue. We are a few hundred thousand years overdue for a magnetic pole-switch btw.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 10:13 AM
Wow.. I didnt really pay attention to that pole shift business til you mentioned that national geographic link.. whoa..
wonder what that would mean for inhabitants of planet earth.

I will file this away with the other things that could ruin our day... you know
asteroids, global warming, 2012 and the like. Really does no good to worry
about it..

Yah thanks for the info on that movie.... I will check it out.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 10:57 AM
Don't panic. Let's strip some of the sensational stuff from the article:

Mandea's work has to do with small scale, localized changes to Earth's magnetic field. She has shown that this kind of change can happen rapidly, over the span of months. The rate of these localized changes is what is new, not that they happen. Her work does not indicate the imminent collapse or reversal of the entire field.

There is some speculation that the accumulated effect of numerous changes of this type, happening at the same time, are what led to past field reversals but these reversals occurred over the span of thousands of years. It's not like the flipping of a coin.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by mapsurfer_

Interesting dream, and I hope nobody has written this cause I read no responses and not even your full post, but scientifically your dream is false. Every atomic structure (element) in the universe is attempting to become iron. Atoms give away and receive electrons to become a structure more similar to iron, this is a natural process. This is because iron is the only element that does neither. Read a little about the elements and chemical reactions they go through and the end result, yada yada yada. You'll see that they all do what they do so they can move closer towards being like iron.

Even our sun is in a constant state of converting Hydrogen into Helium. Which happens to be once step closer to iron.

4 rings

26 electrons

2 8 8 8

rock solid

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 11:45 AM
right.. I have no doubt my dream was incorrect because there is no way an iron core could become bronze.. and I dont even know why I thought that. sometimes dreams dont make any sense.. but the gist of dream was that the magnetic core of the earth became inert and caused calamity on the planet. Again... Im not suggesting that would ever happen either. But when I saw that article this morning, it sort of reminded me of that dream I had. Nothing else to it.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 12:00 PM
I agree with Harman here. I have read many articles about the magnetic pole shift that is due, and that the north pole has left Canadian waters. The real dangers in it occur due to a point where we would reach 0 magnetism. Nasa apparently downplayed this by saying it wouldn't be zero, however, hypothetically it would have to in fact be that, and one of the dangers would be that we would become a magnet for every astroid out there.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Plus the fact of the solarstorm coming up around a time that the poles are indeed weakening. So the solar-radiation is growing and protection is diminishing. Time to stock up on sunprotection

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 04:59 PM
and am i right in thinking that we are on our way into the galactic plain? just a thought

m x

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:05 PM
Ohwell. Worst comes to worst we perish. But seeing as though we are all made of energy & energy never dies. Whats there to worry about? The only thing i can see to worry about is where to set the camera up

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Matt.Trakker

i guess its kick back and watch the show mt

m x

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:34 PM
I dunno.. I have weird dreams all the time and sit here and try to make sense of them. I believe that thoughts of impending doom or perhaps a scary movie might have something to do with it.
my common sense tells me that this planet has been here for millions of years, and will be around for millions more after I am dead and buried.

There was something I read awhile back about this ancient map they found made a gazelle skin.. Piri Reis map dating back to 4000 BC which shows the southern part of Africa and Antarctica with in its ice-free form. Made me think about shifting poles, the earth shifting somehow. You know with all that talk of 2012 you begin to think about what sort catastrophe could happen. I'm not saying I believe any of this, but I do think about it.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by mapsurfer_

I'll comfort you.

You want a real disaster to think about? I can't give you a date and I can't tell you with absolute certainty that it will happen but it is very likely that it will. Even real, respected scientists (I need background music going "DAH DAH DAAAAAAAA", best I could do was italics) say it's likely.

Somewhere out there, there is a large rock with our name on it. If you really need to worry about something you can't do anything about at least worry about something real. No need for that other garbage.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 06:35 PM
Gawwwwwd of course its winding down just like everything else the SUN the universe you me the bird and the bees everything is winding down everything has a shelf life becomes old and winds down becomes old and slow and doeesnt operate as it used to its apart of everything the laws of everything , so your post is true in every way
but.............. it will happen far far in the future just like our sun will wind down and die and wind us all down if we dont get of this stinking planet


the dunce edit edit edit what a dunce

[edit on 8/22/2008 by altered_states]

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 08:26 PM
Oh my god are you all going to believe that the earths magnetic field is going to die off, maybe the prediction of the magenetic field swap as a part of 2012 happenings is about to come true and it was predicted by einstein too.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by peacejet
Oh my god are you all going to believe that the earths magnetic field is going to die off, maybe the prediction of the magenetic field swap as a part of 2012 happenings is about to come true and it was predicted by einstein too.

Who cares, we'll get through. A mixture of life force and a Giaian trick we don't yet know and the monitoring satellites will zap, but my Sky Sports 1 will not (I sincerely trust) crash.

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