reply to post by StellarX
Where does the idea come from that Pakistan was or is secular? Why do you think Pakistan is so pro western any ways?
I don't. I'm not blind.
I realise Pakistanis were jumping for joy the moment he signed out of office I'm just saying, Musharraf was a necessary evil.
I mean it could have been a lot worse. Need I remind you of 1979, Iran?
Another unpopular Islamic party could have easily risen up in Pakistan and turned back the clocks 50 years.
Be thankful it ended the way it did.
Now you might but i doubt it would have got so out of hand without all the episodes of foreign intervention?
Which episodes are we talking about here?
The US has hardly been influential in politics in the Indian subcontinent as opposed to the Mid-East.
Pakistan has been a Western ally since Day 1 after independence from the Raj. America has seen hardly any need to intervene in Pakistani affairs for
decades now.
India always leaned closer to the Russians (especially in recent times what with all the arms deals) and that was historically Pakistan's main threat
to stability apart from India.
Throughout the 1970's and especially during the war next door in Afghanistan, Communist insurgency in Pakistan was at an all time high and there were
great fears of a revolution in Pakistan.
As President Zia said he feared Pakistan would become
"one more drop in the red sea".
So they turned to Communism's arch-nemesis for stability, it was a necessity for them.
They were members of SEATO and CENTO before most other South-Eastern Asian countries.
In return America got it's hands on another staging ground bordering the Soviet Union and a good way of subverting and hampering Soviet operations in
Afghanistan by funnelling weaponry through Pakistan.
US-Pakistani relations go back to the 1940's.
Traditionally, they have been very pro-Western and all these radicalists vying for power in Pakistan are a recent phenomenon.
You don't often see anyone at that level of power that is insane and i doubt we will be that unlucky. Either way you can't do much with
nuclear weapons you can't use
Pakistan using them isn't the worry, Proliferation is.
Radical Parties would be all too eager to cooperate with terrorists and supply them large amounts of Weaponry in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Say what you like about Musharraf, he's comparable to Saddam in the end.
As much as he was a reprehensible character, his country was better with him in power than out of power.
With this vacuum, inter-religious tensions and extremism will spread through Pakistan the same way it did through Iraq.
And then the minor annoyance you had before turns into an epic #storm.
Life's about compromises, Musharraf WAS one of them.