posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 11:21 PM
Im not sure if this was posted already, if it has been I apologise.
I read on InfoWars that the Feds are easing State spying regulations.
In other words, local police will be able to gather information on anyone they want.
Also found another article on the Washington Post website.
Guess what the supporters are saying? That this will "preserve our civil-liberties"!
This worries me a bit, there are cops watching every town in America, if they were given orders to find out information on everyone within their
patrol, we would all be easily marked.
I find it highly disturbing that our rights could be violated to such an extent, I dont want Uncle Sam in my living room (or bathroom for that
matter). It almost feels as though our forefathers really fought in vain. What made America so great is quickly being torn away from us, and if we're
really unlucky we may never be able to piece them back together...
[edit on 17-8-2008 by BloodRedSky]