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The Failure To Act As A Government - 911 EPA

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:48 PM

Some footage I haven't seen elsewhere.. makes some valid points.
EPA actual words after 911.. worth a look..

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

I don't think I even want to know this.

At the time we were renting an apartment in the West Village at 95 Horatio St. Half a block from West St. and approximately 25 blocks from the WTC.

Without wishing to revisit that day I will say this. I will NEVER forget the the combination of taste and smell that was impossible to wash away during the first few days. A combination of dust, concrete, smoke, burned flesh, and who knows what else.

The Mayor decided to evacuate everybody below Canal Street. They allowed restricted access to residents between Canal and 14th street. Horatio St. is between Canal and 14th. And they (emerg. mangnt.) did tell us that the air was safe. And though you may say we were naive to take them at their word, and you may think I'm being melodramatic, please understand that in those days these first responders were almost gods to us. And as it turned out, they themselves were lied to.

To this day, on the rare occasion when my mind drifts to those days, it will sometimes trigger a "memory" reflex in my throat and I swear I can still taste death.

If the people we trusted to protect us really intentionally put us in harms way, nothing in this universe will spare them from what awaits them. In our case and the case of about 100,000 people who lived between Canal and 14th, all they had to say is "we're not sure what's in the air so we might as well evacuate you" How freaking hard is that?

I don't want to watch a lot of these exposes. I truly fear that one day I might inadvertently catch the name of the person who made that call. I must never know his/her name.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

Right, I just saw the linked video.

I don't have the appropriate and proportional emotional capacity to respond to these facts. I'll store my feelings on these facts in the same dark place I keep all the others from those those days, and hope they don't eat me from within.

[edit on 8/14/2008 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:29 PM
The 1st responders should be added to the official victim count for 9/11 for they were murdered as surely as those who perished in the buildings that day.

While viewing the video I recognize the same pattern of manipulation lies and deceit that I have found in every aspect of 9/11. Yet there are still those that will claim the government would never conspire against their own citizens.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss
The 1st responders should be added to the official victim count for 9/11 for they were murdered as surely as those who perished in the buildings that day.

While viewing the video I recognize the same pattern of manipulation lies and deceit that I have found in every aspect of 9/11. Yet there are still those that will claim the government would never conspire against their own citizens.

Some in and near the government probably did conspire in the attacks.

The lies about the air quality are more the result of a combination of criminal incompetence, inexcusable apathy, ass covering, terrible leadership, and other equally horrific factors. In many ways, the same stuff that we saw in the Kartina fiasco.

I try not to think about it to much.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 05:57 AM

Without wishing to revisit that day I will say this. I will NEVER forget the the combination of taste and smell that was impossible to wash away during the first few days. A combination of dust, concrete, smoke, burned flesh, and who knows what else.

I live in Northern NJ - remember the same smell for days afters 9/11
when ever wind blew from from that direction

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by BornPatriot

The problem that I have today, almost seven years after the 9/11 days, is that I'm not quite sure how to approach any resulting health issues.

Should my wife and I go to the doctor and get checked out?

We're both smokers, my wife has had mild asthma from birth, thus I fear that any diagnosis might be masked. What do I say to the doctor, "can you check if I have 9/11" symptoms.

I guess I should do it anyway. What a freakin mess, I can feel it already affecting me just thinking about it.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 07:43 PM
Well, just to wrap this up, we had a family meeting and decided to revisit the question in a couple of months.
Not really out of procrastination.
In the middle of the conversation we realized what month we are in. There is condition that plagues a lot of people in NYC, and I imagine the other places where the planes crashed. It's this kind of malaise that builds subconsciously inside you and it starts every year towards the middle of august. You start seeing plugs on tv for new 9/11 documentaries, they start showing the planes crashing, they keep talking about ceremonies and memorials, you start remembering the friends and neighbors that were lost, etc etc.
And this gradual depression evolves and increases as the day grows near.
For some all this stuff is important as it gives them a sense that their loved ones perished for something important.
For others like us, we'd be very happy to never hear of it again.
So we'll wait till that's over.
To the OP, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

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