posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 12:54 PM
McCarthyism took away many freedoms durring the cold war. The patriot act is not the first time freedoms have been taken away, and it will not be the
last. Usually we get them back after a while, but not always.
Pot was made illegal, which was a loss of a freedom. You can't say "fire" in a movie theater. When the country was first founded, it was illegal to
hold public office and be an athiest. Continually through America's history, the freedom to visit some countries has been taken away, the latest
being Cuba (that I know of).
As for the founding fathers intending it or not, I think they kind of did, and kind of didn't. The constitution is set up in such a way that the law
can be flexible. We, as citizens of the US, could repeal the patriot act if we were all to get together and pass an amendment which would be ratified
by 2/3rd of the states in the union. Congress could repeal it because we voted all of the old guys out and put in a new crowd against it. I think the
founding fathers knew there would be times our freedoms would have to be taken away in the name of security, and made sure there was a way to get them