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Pelosi Slammed in L.A. on failure to Impeach Bush*

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:06 AM

Pelosi Slammed in L.A. on failure to Impeach Bush*

She was in Los Angeles to discuss her recently published book "Know Your Power: A Message to America's Daughters." Instead, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got slammed by protesters screaming that she has been derelict in her duties for not authorizing impeachment hearings against George W. Bush.

(I take the oath of office to uphold the constitution of the United States and don't tell me that I don't do that. Why don't you go picket the Republicans in Congress that will not allow us to have a vot)
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:06 AM
Nancy Pelosi Makes me sick!
Pelosi's response did not address impeachment!

Nancy Pelosi is not upholding the constitution She is letting this President get away with murder.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:16 AM
She's a perfect representation, the epitome of modern American politics. Say one thing, do another. Act unwaivering until elected and bend over backwards for the people you were going to "systematically do away with." And when faced with hard hitting questions, blame the "other side" for not allowing you to perform to your full potential.

$ingle party system. And ultimately our fault for letting these people slide.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:31 AM
I don't even live in her district but I will travel there and actively campaign against her. I will campaign for Cindy Sheehan.

Nancy Pelosi is a traitor to party and country!

Nancy I don't live in your district but I will actively support your opponent in every way possible. Will your republicrats do the same?

You are going to lose...count on it!

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 04:01 AM
Hopefully, the same Crazies that voted her into office, will vote her out...

But to expect rational decisions from the crowd, its like expecting 'fair and balenced' news from Fox...

Oh wait, thats thier logo...

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 04:19 AM
I get a reply from my congressman about how it is better to try to change Bush's behavior, instead of impeaching him. (or some such nonsense)
If they were actually doing something, it may be excusable to not do an impeachment, but they do nothing but let him proceed unimpeded.
We seem to be stuck with politicians who work for the defense industry.
Obama has already said he is not going to reduce the defense budget.
Obama and McCain are both going to start up the draft.
Imperialism did not work out for Britten so we can defend the BP oil pipeline in Georgia and let us pay for it.
Nice new British empire system, let the colony pay for its upkeep and do the dying. Hail Britannia. Any coincidence that Obama is related to the Queen.
Anyone consider that the proposed North American Union makes us all British subjects by joining with Canada. The King of Spain will get dominion over the old New Spain. Think that's a joke? Guess who owns the NAFTA highway.

[edit on 21-8-2008 by jmdewey60]

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 04:46 AM
When one democratic senator woould not stand up for the disenfranchised people of Florida, when the congress members from Florida were asking for one Senator to stand, and possibly change the outcome of the presidential election in 2000 and no one would, we all should have known the fix was in.

When the democrats had the power to finally do something and refused to impeach Bush, it is clear the fix is in.

They have joined and there is one party, the little show they put on in front of the cameras on opposing one another is just a show. The only way we ae ever going to change things is to vote for third party candidates, and throw the bums in there now, out!

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:01 PM

We need a complete change of regime, those greedy banditos in both houses and the white house have to be given the boot. The ones who are elected in off years need to be given notice that they are on the way out as well. Only two incumbents should remain, Ron Paul and Kucinich(sp).

Then ennact trade tariffs on Nike and other companies that manufacture abroad and pay celebrities millions of dollars to be spokesmen.

I remember when they wanted to leave the USA because Labor cost to much? So how much does a Sports star make in endorsements? Well over $100,000,000.00.

Bet you could build a state of the art plant and pay a rather large staff of workers and have enough to pay a celebrity with that right here in the USA.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by goose
When one democratic senator woould not stand up for the disenfranchised people of Florida, when the congress members from Florida were asking for one Senator to stand, and possibly change the outcome of the presidential election in 2000 and no one would, we all should have known the fix was in.

When the democrats had the power to finally do something and refused to impeach Bush, it is clear the fix is in.

They have joined and there is one party, the little show they put on in front of the cameras on opposing one another is just a show. The only way we ae ever going to change things is to vote for third party candidates, and throw the bums in there now, out!

I would expect that if you were still with us today, you would be complaining about the so-called bail-out. We have two candidates, representing Republicans and Democrats, who seem to be backing it. In my mind, this disqualifies both of them as potential presidents.
I will take your advice and vote Nader, and remember you, as I do it.
R.I.P. goose

[edit on 25-9-2008 by jmdewey60]

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 10:56 AM
She made the right choice. I realize Bush is the most impeachable President in US history. Unfortunately, you need a 2/3rds majority of the Senate to convict, and the democrats barely have a simple majority. It's unlikely any republicans would have voted to impeach. Maybe one or two, but not enough to reach that 2/3rds threshold.

Impeachment would have simply torn the country apart even worse than what the neoconservatives have already managed to do.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 11:02 AM
Bush should have been inpeached. So should Pelosi. To set the record straight, we didn't elect Pelosi to be Speaker. That the way their system works. We voted Republicans out and got her. We just can't win.

Vote them ALL out. Every incumbent. We have no choice but to clean house and hope we can get back on-track.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 12:41 PM
Earth to all the Bush impeachment fanatics:

It's way too late in Bush's last term for an impeachment to take place. There simply isn't time for the process to take place. It's not going to happen no matter how much you wish for it. Please get a grip and move along.

Earth to all the Bush prosecution after he leaves office fanatics.

Many of you say that this will keep other political figures from acting like this in the future. If this happens, you could be correct in your assumptions, but for the wrong reasons. Totally. If political figures have to start worrying about their fate after they leave office every time they make a tough or controversial decision, then guess what will happen - no one will ever make any tough or controversial decisions any more. The government will become evven more paralyzed than iti s now. But isn't that what we elect these people to do for us - make the tough decisions?

I'm sorry to have to say, but this desire for revenge against Bush at any price is hopelessly naive at best, and would create even worse consequences for the country in the long term at worst.

How about putting all this "revenge-based energy" into something more forward looking and for the good of the country and all of us citizens, instead of continually living in the past?

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