posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 04:49 AM
last night i dreamt very vividly - which happens very rarely to me and my dreams even changed the colors
i usually take parts of my day into my dream but somehow i also got the feeling that certain dreams have meanings even if i can.t detect that meaning
all in atonce
if anybody likes to help me i would be pleased if not, i will just write it down maybe to become more aware of it by myself
1. my home was all white and ittle black, but no real colors in it, couldn.t see myself but felt myself
i was on a big cinema screen watching a james bond movie with pierce brosman - no special movie - i just knew james bond and pierce brosman - all i
can remember that he was hanging (like indiana jones) on a ladder but this was outside a helicopter and he was above of a canyon
the movie was all in sepia - like old movies which changed colors - not black and white, not color but like beige and black - duotone colors
even while dreaming i thought "this is very interesting"
while i was watching i was awaiting a close friend of mine - we had had a little clash 2 days ago – finally she arrived
dressed up all in white (usually she wears black tee-shirts) and with a custom shirt (not her style)
we talked and talked although we both wanted to watch that movie (in which we hardly not interested in real life) we just talked and even talked on
the phone with each other
then scenery changed my friend and me still there
everything still white - even white tiles at the wall like a bathroom
my friend still talking (i know she talked but i can.t remember that i heard a word!) and me repairing a lamp whichs mechanism all of a sudden broke
up, was able to repare it - something had to plug in again very easily and to be adjusted
ok the mechanism was all wrapped up in accessoires of that lamp - a floor lamp
stuff that appeared to be pink and violette when in the package been taken out it was all white
scenerey changed to a second dream
just me alone cleaning the litterboxed of the cats
huge amount of mess - a 100 l bin-litter nearly full but no end no end
then i look around
the bin-litter blue and the cat boxes red - 4 red boxes
2 are covered with red tabletts and are only used to make it easier for the cats to reach box number 4 which they knocked over and emptied at all
about 50 l of cat litter are widespreaded on the floor
all i am thinking: i have to strip down the whole bathroom and i don.t want it!
my friend is back, we are outside, she gives me 3 bunches of roses, which are plastic and i put them in the garden as decoration
but that one was all in colors
wonderful colors
main theme i recognize is cleaning, mending, fixing something
but waht?
[edit on 13-8-2008 by orange-light]