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every town administrator\Mayor needs to know about 911 and That We KNOW.

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posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:56 PM
So, make it a point to call your Local Mayor and set an appointment... if you have a laptop... download a few movies to it and make the appointment. bring a video camera and document the meeting if possible. if not possible then you know what to do with that hidden audio recorder right. make sure your name and time is scheduled with the Mayor - (Your on his or her schedule, so they can say it didn't happen)
* I suggest you interview the mayor about his visions for the future and is he or she aware of these issues. and you would like the mayors input..

do what you can - and if you have to do the interview over lunch well money well spent.

*** Anything I missed -- just post it below...

Take Care and God Bless America...

Now you can post these interviews or use them for future town hall meetings... if need be...

[edit on 12-8-2008 by BornPatriot]

[edit on 12-8-2008 by BornPatriot]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:14 PM
Perhaps it would look sumpin' like this?

Then the believin' would begin.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 08:08 PM
Well even though some forces would like to medicate all citizens I assure you, 911 is not issue of sanity, more like what insane organization would target its share holders. and we will find that out once our Nations Government Stops Obstructing Justice.
and I'm afraid they have something even more insane planned. I just want to stop the lying and cover-up and lets get to Justice and back to our Constitutional Form of Government.
Do you have a problem with that, ?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by BornPatriot
Well even though some forces would like to medicate all citizens

Who? What forces? Be specific! I wanna know so I can give those forces a video about NOT medicating me.

I assure you, 911 is not issue of sanity, more like what insane organization would target its share holders. and we will find that out once our Nations Government Stops Obstructing Justice.

Is it an issue of sanity--or not? You are claiming both sides here.

I just want to stop the lying and cover-up and lets get to Justice and back to our Constitutional Form of Government.
Do you have a problem with that, ?

I have a BIG problem with lying-- YOU SHOULD TOO.

Don't you hate being lied to? From ANY source.

Simple as this...I feel I am lied to MORE from conspiracy sites, than I am from major news outlets.

I can discern the information as being as factual as possible, and information that is being used as a tool to form opinion.

Example: News Outlet reporting a story ~ Two men died in an automobile accident today, the car rolled many times into a bar ditch, neither man was wearing a seat belt, the cause of the car losing control is not known at this time, investigations into the drivers sobriety are being looked into.

Example: Biased Website reporting the same story~ Two men were suddenly killed in a car today. The bodies were found in a bar ditch and the cause of their death is unknown. Why would anyone arbitrarily kill these men? Was it for something they knew? Are you next?

Ya see... the biased website isn't presenting facts, they are slanting the story to fit an agenda.

The sooner you can tell the difference between the two, the better off you will be.

I am NOT saying that Fox news, CNN et al. are not biased. and I encourage people to get the infomation on a particular subject of interest from as many different sources as possible.

That is if you truly want to find answers. And bear in mind not all answers are avalible on just about ANY subject. Especially more complicated ones.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 08:04 AM
Bingo, well no more debating an agent... have a good one. only a person with vested interests in America staying a slave state of Isreal would even comment ... thanks for the information.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by BornPatriot
Bingo, well no more debating an agent...

Agent of what..exactly? The Federal Government? I don't even particulary like the federal government, and would like to see it become smaller, and more authority returned to individual states.

have a good one. only a person with vested interests in America staying a slave state of Isreal would even comment ... thanks for the information.

Pbbbtt. Israel? So anyone who disagrees with you is a disinfo agent and a slave to Israel.. BWAHAHHA.

I hope you get an opportunity to break away from this nonsense..I really do.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by Taxi-Driver

Originally posted by BornPatriot

I just want to stop the lying and cover-up and lets get to Justice and back to our Constitutional Form of Government.
Do you have a problem with that, ?

I have a BIG problem with lying-- YOU SHOULD TOO.

Don't you hate being lied to? From ANY source.

More than you can imagine. Check out the whopper from THIS source:

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
I just noticed the date on that manifest (list) is October 4, 2002. That would've been more than enough time to resolve any "data entry" or "last-minute passenger" issues.

I must say though, you debunkers always have the most creative excuses!

Originally posted by Taxi-Driver
What is more creative/sensational?

Some gate attendant forgetting to update a list on just another Tuesday morning.

Or United Airlines...

Does that BIG problem with lying only apply to other people? Or are you lying about lying?

I wonder why nobody ever enforces ATS' #1 T&C?

1). Posting: You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.

You debunkers should feel fortunate that this rule is never enforced.

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