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I finally understand now...

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posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:19 PM
It has been only recently that I found this website. I am so glad I found it. I came to the website researching something else but was drawn to the information about 9/11. I use to be one of those people that assumed anyone who spouted off about government conspiracies concerning 9/11 had too much time on their hands. How could they say stuff like that about our government? They must not be patriotic or something. Well I apologize for those thoughts and assumptions. I was the stupid one. And I have definitely had a change of heart. I began reading posts on here about the 9/11. I’d be shocked so I’d independently find out that the information was true. I guess this is when I started coming to the realization that most of the government and the media services are just big smoke screens… A magazine or newspaper or website will have some little hidden blurb about information that IMHO is VERY newsworthy. Instead there is a 3 page article about Milley Cyrus. HUH?? I must say after the entire picture became clear in my mind I walked around for about a week feeling a little panicky about what is and has been going on.

Was the government trying to facilitate the change THEY WANTED by having a “terrorist attack?” All the laws and regulations the government has been able to bypass because of our “war on terror.” Everything from what we can carry on an airplane, boarder patrol/control, possibly and unsuccessfully trying to “unite” the country by manufacturing a war, our government believing that the citizens of the US would feel so vulnerable because of 9/11 that they would feel the need for MORE government., not to mention invading Iraq (and countless other things that our government has done that I am not even aware of). Unless it is absolutely necessary, I don’t even fly much anymore. Not because of fear but because after all the time I would spend at the security check-in taking off my shoes and such, I could have driven to where I needed to go. Of course then I have to use GAS that has falsely inflated prices. How is it we caught Saddam Hussein hidden in a hole in the ground, but the GRAND TERROIST MASTERMIND, Osama Bin Landen, who has to have kidney dialysis and has to live in caves to hide from us (where do you plug up one of those dialysis machines in a cave anyway?); you’d think capturing him would have been a no brainier for our (seemingly intellectually challenged) intelligence agencies. Is it they aren’t even really looking for this guy? Is it the government feeding us staged videos showing us Osama? When the support of the “war on terror” lulls they pull Osama out to make a video showing “the threat is still there!”. And for the past 7 years, the freedoms we have lost. When you are standing up close to something you can’t see the big picture. But when you pull back and see how much our lives have changed because of that one event – 9/11. I’ve always considered myself patriotic. My best friend, that I have known 20 years, is serving over in Iraq right now. I worry for her every day. She shouldn’t even have to be there. So it hurts me to realize that our own country could have been the “REAL” mastermind. Is our country really center of the “axis of evil?”

I guess this post is kind of redundant to all the others. I know much has been written here on the subject (which I have read). I know there are people here on this site that knows so much more than I do about all. I guess I just wanted to express my sadness for what our country and world has come to. And there are really only 2 solutions. 1 – Have a leader who takes charge and helps to turn our country around before there are no choices left (in my eyes highly improbable), 2 – Something horribly worse will happen than 9/11.

I appreciate all that have helped me see the light.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by aliceinwonderland74
It has been only recently that I found this website. I am so glad I found it. I came to the website researching something else but was drawn to the information about 9/11. I use to be one of those people that assumed anyone who spouted off about government conspiracies concerning 9/11 had too much time on their hands. How could they say stuff like that about our government? They must not be patriotic or something. Well I apologize for those thoughts and assumptions. I was the stupid one. And I have definitely had a change of heart.

Congratulations for having the courage to take the red pill. Better late than never in waking up. Except for a few wise people, we were all where you were at one time or another.

I actually credit 9/11 with shocking me into investigating and finally understanding how the world really works.

Just a word of warning, Alice -- the rabbit hole is deeper than you think.

[edit on 11-8-2008 by GoldenFleece]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:50 PM

You give me hope for the rest of the people who still maintain those views you once had.

It seems once the veil has been lifted, it takes some time to cope with the new perspective but just remember to retain as much hope as possible!

EDIT: I may post this thread now in my signature!

[edit on 11-8-2008 by Unlimitedpossibilities]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:57 PM
Congratulations, Alice.... you've just scratched the surface.

My own red pill was due to the fact that I heard it all on morning radio during my commute to work... and spent the entire day away from the internet and television. I kept hearing what was unfolding all day, but it wasn't until about 7 pm that night that I saw the scenes being played on TV. In my mind, I knew what it should have looked like... what it all should have looked like. But when I saw the TV, I thought, "that looks like controlled demolition." And "but where is the plane wreckage?" And again..."but where is the plane wreckage?"

After I got my bearings, I dove into the research and theories... some make more sense than others... but it's all appreciated. I have been in ever since. Everything changed that day for me. Everything.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:19 PM
Please make sure and check out Dr. Wood's incredible work!
She has by far done the most for the truth movement!
Best wishes!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:16 AM

But when I saw the TV, I thought, "that looks like controlled demolition."

As did many reporters.

912 rolls around and no one says that ever again as an observation, only conspiracy theory.

Welcome Alice.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by TheBobert
Please make sure and check out Dr. Wood's incredible work!
She has by far done the most for the truth movement!
Best wishes!

Now Bobert that's just mean. Did ur momma drop you on ur head?

Alice if you have read the 911 threads you probably know Bobert...if not you haven't missed anything. Good Luck to you!!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by aliceinwonderland74

Congradulations on becoming one of the sheeple. Now you don't have to think for yourself. Just follow the small flock and, whenever someone asks you for some verication of your beliefs, repeat 'free fall', 'foot print', and 'laws of physics'. It helps if you shout these at people; the louder you are the more believable you will seem.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by dirtonwater
reply to post by aliceinwonderland74

Congradulations on becoming one of the sheeple. Now you don't have to think for yourself. Just follow the small flock and, whenever someone asks you for some verication of your beliefs, repeat 'free fall', 'foot print', and 'laws of physics'. It helps if you shout these at people; the louder you are the more believable you will seem.

What original 911 research have you done? Just wondering becasue if you haven't done any you fall into the same category. And if you have I (we) would love to see it.

Regards, JP

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by dirtonwater

Or perhaps she could be like you and just believe everything her television and radio tell her and not research anything for herself and be wrapped up in a safe little bubble where the government is your friend and a man in a cave orchestrated the most advanced and perfectly executed attack on America ever seen.

I know which one i'd rather be.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by dirtonwater

And again with the name calling and rudeness. I just wish people on all sides would resort to civility. This post has NOTHING to do with the OP other than introducing her to the blatant rudeness that is in store for her at the words of the so-called skeptics/debunkers.

Free fall is a very good term my friend. I would REALLY love for you to explain HOW the buildings did manage a free fall collapse. Then again you will take the normal skeptic/debunker route and make statements like NIST, and GOVERNMENT SAYS, and POoPULAR MECHANICS. All of which have the same interest. Not the truth but deflection.

It's so funny when people like you call people who question the events of 911, sheeple! I thought that term meant the masses. According to the skeptics/debunkers the 911 truth movement is dying and gaining less support. This wouldn't constitute the masses would it?

Now Alice, good luck in your search. You will find a LOT of bizarre theories so do yourself a favor. Stick to the basics. Don't look at the hologram crap and so on. It's a waste of time and you will simply provide fodder for the skeptics/debunkers to throw insults at you.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by dirtonwater
reply to post by aliceinwonderland74

Congradulations on becoming one of the sheeple. Now you don't have to think for yourself. Just follow the small flock and, whenever someone asks you for some verication of your beliefs, repeat 'free fall', 'foot print', and 'laws of physics'. It helps if you shout these at people; the louder you are the more believable you will seem.

You, just as I are entitled to your own opinions (even if you do have trouble spelling Congratulations). If you read my post more thoroughly you might have seen where I was someone that thought it was unpatriotic to even question that our government might have had something to do with this horrible event. I thought all this 9/11 conspiracy stuff was crap. But as I began to read more and more on ATS about very legit sources talking about this occuring. That is when I went outside of this group to independently verify what I was reading. Not just accepting it because it was in a post on a message board. ATS was only the seed. It opened a door, helping me see the larger picture. And it was then that I first began to question what I had been told was the truth. It didn't happen in a day. I didn't just dive in to the pool not even knowing if there was any water in it. If that is how "sheeple" find out what is going on their world, then I guess I am a sheeple. I think there are some people that have gone way further out on a limb about some of this stuff than there is evidence for. But they are entitled to their beliefs as well. I am far from being an expert but I do know that there is something going on that isn't right and that is what I wanted to express. And you know if walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and is a member of a duck's only secret society then it usually is a very dangerous duck and not a sheeple.

PS - You might consider working with someone on your anger issues

[edit on 8/12/2008 by aliceinwonderland74]

[edit on 8/12/2008 by aliceinwonderland74]

[edit on 8/12/2008 by aliceinwonderland74]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Great post.

reply to post by aliceinwonderland74

Fantastic post! As GoldenFleece said - we were all where you were at some point. For me the point was the Pentagon. It's been eating at me for the last 6 years. It never seemed right. The reports didn't seem right. The TV pictures shown live at the time didn't add up to what was being reported. I now can't find that footage, yet I'll remember it forever.

[Morpheus]Welcome... to the real world.[/Morpheus]

One piece of advice: use your head and don't get sucked into believing everything written about 9/11 on the CT-side. Me personally - I'm sticking to hard verifiable facts and scientific method for proving theories.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 07:14 PM
welcome aliceinchains, er wonderland..

I recommend:

stay sharp

[edit on 12-8-2008 by anti72]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit

One piece of advice: use your head and don't get sucked into believing everything written about 9/11 on the CT-side. Me personally - I'm sticking to hard verifiable facts and scientific method for proving theories.

amen to that.. don't get sucked into either side.. approach everything with skeptisism.. and let logical reasoning and common sense prevail.. the truth will probably be found somewhere in the middle..

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by aliceinwonderland74

I am very pleased for you. You join the ever growing ranks of people around the WORLD who have discovered the bogus nature of what happened on that terrible day. I would echo others' sentiments though when I warn you to beware of some of the more outlandish claims, such outrageous claims are disinformation operations designed to undermine the community of people who seek to make the Truth known to the rest of the populace.

And as someone else has already said, you've just scratched the surface with this, and I encourage you to dig further still.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by Terran Blue]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Terran Blue

Probably the reason I dismissed information about possible "discrepancies" with the official 9/11 story for so long was because of the "fringe" groups. They have had one bit of truth and then all of the sudden aliens were piloting the planes because Bush is a cannibal from the planet Zenon and is wanting world domination. Also I think there was some celebrities and fringe political people that came out full throttle with this stuff and it really turned a lot of people, like myself, off. This isn't something you can come to accept in a HUGE bite. And that is what they were attempting and it backfired to some extent. As far as the details go, I actually think Bush, in the beginning, was less involved than ones like Cheney and his guys. Not that Bush is innocent even by a long shot. You can only use "plausible deniability" for so long. The first thing that didn't feel right was that Cheney had to be at an "undisclosed location" for so long. During those first days when it happened there were things that just didn't sit right with me, but because of the scope and scale of the event I just accepted them and believed our government was on our side. I had no reason to believe otherwise. I remember how things were going in a million different directions. It was chaotic. There was so much information being spouted out 24/7. People were scared. And in a situation like that it is easy not see the small stuff. Kind of like a "Where's Waldo?" effect. People were looking at the big picture and were having trouble even comprehending the scope of that. And for quite some time it did seem to make everyone feel or seem more "American" with bumper stickers, t-shirts, pins, music, etc. It was a "them and us" mentality concerning the United States. And people were pissed off. So it was a very easy environment for details to be overlooked. So I did feel the first people to question 9/11 were just anti-American or in to conspiracies or were just bored, etc. I am one of those "see it to believe it" people. So just because it is written in a post or talked about by a celebrity, I have to find enough information myself to come to my own conclusions. And it has taken me a long time. I was on the fence for quite a while. But it isn't an easy subject to just bring up in conversation like "oh, by the way do believe our government was involved in killing all those people on 9/11?" Just not a great conversation starter. And another thing is I am from Alabama and its not that other areas of the country aren't patriotic, but people in the south take it very seriously. And you really don't want to argue with a very large man that enjoys hunting a little too much and displays "part" of his shotgun collection in the gun rack of his pick-up truck. So believe me it wasn't an easy conclusion to come to. Also my family is VERY conservative, pro-Bush/Cheney all the way. My dad can just be watching TV and see someone talking about this stuff and he starts going off on the guy on the TV. So just imagine if I said something and I was actually in the room!
I've just taken to not talking much when people discuss politics and things like that in general. They have their opinion and I have mine. I guess that is what is nice about ATS is that it is one place that even if you have the craziest idea in the world you have a place to discuss it.There will always be the people like the "sheeple" guy and unfortunately those people are part the problem. Using intimidation to shut people up. At least on here it is just a war of words.

Thanks to all that posted with a warm reception. I was a bit nervous about posting since it was the first "real" post I had made on ATS. I feel more comfortable about becoming more active in the future.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by aliceinwonderland74

Hi AIW ...

Welcome to ATS. There are several skeptics here when it comes to 911 conspiracies. Present company included.

I am curious, what evidence have you received that shows you that 911 was an inside job.

Thank you....


[edit on 13-8-2008 by ThroatYogurt]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:55 PM
´´Also my family is VERY conservative, pro-Bush/Cheney all the way. My dad can just be watching TV and see someone talking about this stuff and he starts going off on the guy on the TV. So just imagine if I said something and I was actually in the room! I've just taken to not talking much when people discuss politics and things like that in general. They have their opinion and I have mine.´´

I understand that absolutely. nobody knows that better than yourself.
I think that sounds familiar to many people who are used to the official story, just because it was implanted with the mass media machine since 9/11 to now.

in the meantime, many even don´t notice that main puppet Osama Bin Laden, who is a CIA agent, officially isn´t even charged ,just because
of ´lack od evidence´, etc etc etc..just to stay on the surface of lies.

the events of 911 are a high crime for themselfes. It took me some time to get motives for that at all. but history is full of false flag operations, especially the US .

good read:

"Many of these state-sponsored terrorist operations, as the subsequent cover-ups and fake trials suggest, enjoyed the encouragement and protection of selected highly placed governmental and military officials in Europe and in the United States." As an Italian parliamentary commission reported in 2002, "Those massacres, those bombs, those military actions had been organised or promoted or supported by men inside Italian state institutions and, as has been discovered more recently, by men linked to the structures of United States intelligence."


and a good tip, stay away from those who kill your discussion with shouting `were´s your proof´

heads up..

[edit on 13-8-2008 by anti72]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:15 PM
Welcome to the truth.

I never post in the 911 forum for obvious reasons, but now your eyes are open you will see half truths and downright lies everywhere you look.

To the poster who accused you of being one of the sheeple, I ask they they look again at the evidence.

At least next time there is a massive false flag op you will be prepared for it and know what is happening.

Welcome to the real world.

For those about to acknowledge conspiracy, I salute you...

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