posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:29 PM
In the last couple of weeks, I noticed that in two different threads to which I had replied, the user name in the ‘last post’ column showed
someone else’s user name, even though the most recent post was mine. I made a reply questioning the situation, without being edited for an ‘off
topic post’. Today I posted a rare new thread. Within 90 seconds of posting it, I realized that
the title was in all caps, and corrected the mistake, making sure to post an edit that I had corrected the all caps mistake. I saw for myself the
correction post. A few minutes later, a mod posted a warning about the all caps, my edit was removed, and replaced by the mod’s. When I posted a
question about why this was done it was removed as an ‘off topic post’. Why should this be so, and am I the only one to have such things happen?