posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 02:46 AM
Still need some help? I'll do it for 250 mate! - (Don;t kudge my site by the bes tI wcan do, although I dont know much flash as yet, but there are
great apps like Cool Moves that can make flash with ease...
What exactly do you want to do? I know PHP, CSS, HTML, (duh) & Javascript. I can also use the many templates & then hack it by 'geting' it from the
server with Dreamweaver, & modifying it to suit your needs.
I'm not looking to make money; just want to get by, & gety the info out, but I do need money, & I just might be able to help you.
Let me know.
(You can contact me by visiting my site, by clicking on my signature)
[edit on 31-8-2008 by Time=Now]