posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 06:43 PM
Okay how many of you witenessed the gross spectacle of the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony yesterday? I was watching it with my family, when I
started to notice some recurring themes...
Globalist Ideals, New Age spiritual nonsense, "world peace", nature worship, diversity, water (aquarian age)and much much more!
The whole ceremony was nothing more than a huge salute to the NWO...
I remember one part where they had hundreds of chinese people (probably being paid next to nothing to perform) standing under boxes lifting them up in
certain patterns and timing to create images, one part they made a miniature Great Wall of china, then after a while the wall "crumbled down" (as
the network announcer put it) to make way for China's "Age of Acceptanceand Openness". After that happened flowers sprouted out of the tops of all
the boxes. The meaning behind this is clear: Tearing down borders to create a global government state for "peace"
Theres more! After that, the giant membrane screen around the rim of the "Bird's Nest" (built by thousands of chinese making 50 dollars a week
working night and day) displayed oceans and waterfalls and whales and such... before hundreds of tai chi masters formed a giant circle around a group
of children and began performing tai chi designed to move "CHI" (an invisible current of energy that runs thru all things supposedly) around them.
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius anyone?
Then they had the part with the globes and such with people walking around them. The one globe in the center was blue like the earth, then became
redish and yellow like the sun, before a chinese singer and an american woman perched ontop of the giant sun to sing some garbage song called "You
and Me" or something.
Thats only a small fraction of the NWO themes I saw, but I'd like to see if anyone else noticed any of this.
Add yes I am new here. Hello!