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Questions to ponder on and why your all nuts

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posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 03:31 PM
I will be the first to admit that there may be people, that logic, current human understanding of life and science may not be able to explain certain aspects of what is being described here and by many key players in the new world order scene and more to the point this is no reason to dispute that these things are not happening and this is no way to disprove what is apparently happening. My problem is the actual way that many members of this community tell others about what is going on in the world; yet I do not put down this collective and singular academic and intellect of this community.

I am not 100% sure that I actually think that NWO is of the scale that many people here state it to be, I do not consider it to be a bad thing and I just think that a formation of a few global unions; better international relationships and economic, social and problems with terrorism is the driving force behind the cut in our rights, the patriots act (for you guys in the US and the respective acts around the world and here in the UK), and the forming of SPU, NAU, SAU, EU etc.

*Just because South America has now formed a union, and because of the existence of the EU and soon to be North American Union why does that lead to there being a New World Order; Sure enough these Unions are in the works and exists but who is to say that we need to form an entire world union? Perhaps it is people looking to fit what is going on into the NWO conspiracy and not actually being logical and putting it down to "Terrorism", "Economic issues", "Crime" and "Trading". Afterall the latter is really important in todays world, the economy is slipping and more than one country (say a whole continent) could do far better than a single one with limited man power, resources and so forth.

*Here is what I really wanted to say; If the "elite" have been in control of the world and were the same force behind Hitler and the Nazi's why did
they allow America and the world stop Hitler; why not enable Hitler to "conquer the world" and then use their "superior technology" to keep control!!!? People compare what is going on today with what Hitler did to gain popularity, and establish control. So, why not allow him to take control of Europe and then the world?

* Many people believe that something fishy is going on with 9/11 and I have seen these called "Flagship attacks" and yes maybe America used that as an excuse to invade Iraq and possibly have a good footing against Iran? Again, I feel that people are trying to fit things into the conspiracy and not the other way around...

* I admit that civil liberties are being taken away day by day but perhaps this really is in the name of national security, and maybe so they can have
tighter control over people,- who is to say that this is meaning NWO is about to be imposed? No, what about that it really is for our security?
*It makes me laugh to actually think that a small group of people control the world,- a few people have said that it is 10 or less people,- yes I understand that the Bilderbergs and alike are powerful and yes they can change the economic and social climate quite considerably but I doubt that they are "forcing" all these changes we see today.

* Nobody objected pets being chipped,- so why not humans. According to the Verichip website this is for tracking assets in hospitals, the mentally
unstable and maybe even babies! However, why does this mean the "elite" are planning to track everyone's every move! Honestly, they can do that now,- what with extensive camera networks, credit cards, mobiles, the internet, number plate reading and so on. I will eat my words if they "force" everyone to do this.

*The "elite" are already rich, they have been in-control of the world and economic climate for centuries,- why would they suddenly need more power and more money? They have what they would desire already!!

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by PC-SPOT

Perhaps you are right. I wonder if history has anything to teach us. Or are we to believe that this truly is a time unlike any other and therefore we have nothing to learn from the lessons of history. The questions you ask about the plausibility of situations can be answered by looking back in history. There is nothing new under the sun. Good luck to you.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by harvib

I think you have what I am trying to ask wrongly, I am fed up of people saying "this is how it is", "its this way" and "they are doing this, this and this". To be honest, yes I have looked at history and yes I understand that History has repeated itself time and time again. What I am trying to learn is what people are claiming is happening now...

Thanks for replying...most people just ignore when people try and get to the core basics of the conspiracy!

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 04:25 PM
I agree with you. People are far to quick to accept things as absolute reality and will accept no evidence contrary to what they believe.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by harvib

What I have also found is that people are far too quick to bend things to fit the NWO ideas, such as the recent Bush speech about the Russia and Georgia conflict, at the end of the day the US is one of the global superpowers and its almsot an un-written rule that they need to respond, aswell as other "world leaders". This does not mean that the US will get involved in any other way!

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 08:27 PM
I have never been to the NWO forum until today however I will try to answer some of your questions as I see them.Does the NAU lead to a NWO?Yes but it must be over time which I will show the reason for later.If the elite had been in control why didn't they just let Hitler win the war?Where is the profit?Both sides of the war were funded by the world bankers.Google Prescot Bush.You agree personal libertys are being taken away.Franklin said he who would trade his liberty for saftey gets neither.Why not chip humans?I believe in nasi germany it was papers please.Now they won't even need to ask.The elite are already rich why would they need more?Indeed Hitler had power why did he need more?Your own king had power why did he need more?The catholic church has more money than probably anyone in the world.Why do they need more?
The united states of america was created a constitutional republic.The constitution was written not to give government power but to limit it's power.We were sold out by woodrow wilson then FDR turned the republic into a corporation and sold it to the world banks.Americans are born into bondage and don't even realise it.We all belong to that corporation.The president is nothing more than than the CEO.That is why he and congress pay no attention to the constitution.If you do enough digging you will find out that world bankers own most countrys through thier central banks.I believe I read someplace there were seven countrys not under thier control.
Afganistan and Iraq where in these seven.As far as the terrorist thing you should remember one mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter.
a couple of questions for you.

Why go into Iraq when it was well known Saddam had no use for terrorists and indeed would have killed them as they were a threat to his regime?
Was the killing of thousands maybe millions worth the 4000 or so that died in the world trade center?Who made money from this war and how much?

If you think the NWO is such a good idea do you also think you would have liked living in fuedal england when you were either royalty or a peon owned by the crown?

Think about this also when they install the NAU it is the end of trying to restore the constitution and with it goes american freedom.If I had my way not only would the constitution be restored but all who betrayed thier oaths to it would be hung for treason.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:29 PM
I'm "pondering" on how one can use the word "your" instead of "you're" and have anything that follows be taken seriously.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:29 PM
The new world order is necessary because the masses are lazy and greedy.

Hitler was an experiment to see if the masses would accept mass slaughter without war. Before WWII they used to reduce the population by having people go out and shoot each other...standing in straight lines and shooting. Iam sure u have seen it in the movies. After WWI, due to the film industry, People did not do this anymore because they saw what it was like on film and REFUSED to fight like that. So the experiment was to see if people would be cool with mass slaughter OUTSIDE of war. When it did not go well, they went to mass slaughter of civilians in war. The reason for this is to re-balance currency.
u can read Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars for a detailed look at how the masses are to blame for everything. Or keep playing the blame game.

Also, the masses WANT to be chipped. The masses are lazy, greedy, delusional and so on.
The cheap makes it so they can be even MORE lazy. So they DEMAND the chip.

Anyone play socom on the PS3. Add me to your friends list. best game

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 09:29 AM
Hitler? Simple, it was no experiment that he gained political and persuation over his people. The wanted a 'father' figure for their nation and got one. The rest simply tumbled into one rather large reality-based 'Milgram experiment' if that explains it.

The general population/the masses had no idea what was being done with the Jewish citizens of Germany and Poland until the end of the war. They only were told that anyone of Jewish blood was the enemy and causing the fall of their (German) status in the world and locally.

We are no different now. Every day our common enemy(ies) are taken away to some Cuban camp and we do nothing. Who are these people? No one questions that. The are likely only Arab speaking Americans..even white Christians.

Why are they doing this slowly? Many reasons: Less shock, gives them more time to prepare, creating the databases to ensure they know who can live and who must die. Why? there are too many of us. To them we are merely feeders, we absorb THEIR food, air and water. We are a mouth, a heartless midsection and a rectum.

What don't they have that they don't have already? Space. Imagine just the few million and their families that want the entire planet to themselves...

One family can own an entire state, province, beach, mountain. Keep enough slaves to grow their own food, trade at bare minimum of course.

What they do not account for is eventually it will all end up the same. Someone further down in generations to come will think one family has overpopulated AGAIN. It is never ending, there is no perfect world. Man is too selfish to even operate one if there was.

Builderburgs can bite my rectum. Their ideals of filling the landscape with their selfish seed is going to be no different than the one we live in now. I wish I stay around long enough to see them needing to exterminate their own. Big vicious circle it is.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 09:38 AM
All i would say that if your ignorant to these people, thats half there battle. People find it hard to control people, who think about there liberties. They want you all watching sports, and soaps on tv.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 09:52 AM
all the things your saying are perfectly logical OP, i've agreed with this assessment for most of the 5ish years i've been actively interested in the NWO.

up until the middle of September i thought that it was pretty unlikely that there would be a catastrophic market crash leading to the implementation of well formed plans for a one world bank by the end of the year!! by the middle of October there are many politicians suggesting this coarse of action.
it is being touted as a necessity in many circles.

there are, as you say, plans for various continental federal "unions", this time last year i would have scoffed at the suggestion that these things might be in place before that doomsday date of 21-12-12, but it now seems likely.

i've spent years thinking of these ideas as nothing more than comic book entertainment, less the drawings, only to wake up one morning to notice half the predicted elements in place already.

maybe i'm just as crazy as the people predicting this for the past 30 odd years, dunno, but i do know at some point the fact that we're all crazy doesn't mean we're all wrong.

[edit on 20/10/08 by pieman]

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by PC-SPOT
I will be the first to admit that there may be people, that logic, current human understanding of life and science may not be able to explain certain aspects of what is being described here and by many key players in the new world order scene and more to the point this is no reason to dispute that these things are not happening and this is no way to disprove what is apparently happening. My problem is the actual way that many members of this community tell others about what is going on in the world; yet I do not put down this collective and singular academic and intellect of this community.

I am not 100% sure that I actually think that NWO is of the scale that many people here state it to be, I do not consider it to be a bad thing and I just think that a formation of a few global unions; better international relationships and economic, social and problems with terrorism is the driving force behind the cut in our rights, the patriots act (for you guys in the US and the respective acts around the world and here in the UK), and the forming of SPU, NAU, SAU, EU etc.

*Just because South America has now formed a union, and because of the existence of the EU and soon to be North American Union why does that lead to there being a New World Order; Sure enough these Unions are in the works and exists but who is to say that we need to form an entire world union? Perhaps it is people looking to fit what is going on into the NWO conspiracy and not actually being logical and putting it down to "Terrorism", "Economic issues", "Crime" and "Trading". Afterall the latter is really important in todays world, the economy is slipping and more than one country (say a whole continent) could do far better than a single one with limited man power, resources and so forth.

*Here is what I really wanted to say; If the "elite" have been in control of the world and were the same force behind Hitler and the Nazi's why did
they allow America and the world stop Hitler; why not enable Hitler to "conquer the world" and then use their "superior technology" to keep control!!!? People compare what is going on today with what Hitler did to gain popularity, and establish control. So, why not allow him to take control of Europe and then the world?

* Many people believe that something fishy is going on with 9/11 and I have seen these called "Flagship attacks" and yes maybe America used that as an excuse to invade Iraq and possibly have a good footing against Iran? Again, I feel that people are trying to fit things into the conspiracy and not the other way around...

* I admit that civil liberties are being taken away day by day but perhaps this really is in the name of national security, and maybe so they can have
tighter control over people,- who is to say that this is meaning NWO is about to be imposed? No, what about that it really is for our security?
*It makes me laugh to actually think that a small group of people control the world,- a few people have said that it is 10 or less people,- yes I understand that the Bilderbergs and alike are powerful and yes they can change the economic and social climate quite considerably but I doubt that they are "forcing" all these changes we see today.

* Nobody objected pets being chipped,- so why not humans. According to the Verichip website this is for tracking assets in hospitals, the mentally
unstable and maybe even babies! However, why does this mean the "elite" are planning to track everyone's every move! Honestly, they can do that now,- what with extensive camera networks, credit cards, mobiles, the internet, number plate reading and so on. I will eat my words if they "force" everyone to do this.

*The "elite" are already rich, they have been in-control of the world and economic climate for centuries,- why would they suddenly need more power and more money? They have what they would desire already!!

millions of people are dying today because of these people...and you think they mean well?

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