posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 02:34 PM
Hydroman, It sounds like you are seeing satellites.
They are can be pretty bright, especially the ISS. They move across the sky in a perfectly straight line at steady speeds from horizon to horizon.
Nanovapor, you could try initiating contact for yourself. If you meditate, send out the message that you wish to make contact, you could ask them to
show themselves at specific time and place. It may be a good idea to pick a location that has seen UFO activity in the past and also if you do this,
try to give them some notice and meditate on the location and date every day until the date.
Try to visualize the location as much as possible, without projecting your hopes on it.
On the night use your eyes to spot any movement and if you spot something then you can use binoculars to get a better look. Binoculars are much more
useful than a telescope. It is damn near impossible to track a moving object with a telescope, especially if that object is moving erratically.
I personally prefer to use my eyes, just because by the time you have picked up a pair of binoculars, found the object and focussed on it, you may
have missed something or even worse it has vanished entirely.
You don't have to believe me, but I have had a bit of experience with the visitors. I am pretty sure that if you can focus your intent on them while
meditating, that sometimes they can pick up on it.
Happy hunting.
Good luck