posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 08:01 PM
Originally posted by LAUGHING-CAT
I was pointing out that it (telekiesis) is not an ability inherant in all of us. I wish I knew why.
I disagree, I believe telekinesis
is inherent in all of us, it's just a dormant ability. That is why it doesn't present in most people,
despite the fact that we all have the ability.
I do believe, though, that it's a little like creative or sporting ability. We all have the physical ability to pick up a paint brush or a baseball
bat, but some of us are just naturally gifted in those areas. Like in those fields, though, practice can improve ability.
Or at least that's what I believe. I've never actually managed to do anything myself, but neither have I put in the time and effort to come to any
kind of conclusion that I'm unable.