posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 03:51 AM
I have to relate to EBEntity the most! I am an abductee and my experiences were from a young age started around age 8 in the early 80's to my teenage
years and they got more traumatic through the years. As i got older they were more forcefull it seemed they had less regard. I did not get much info
from them when i would ask , everything was pictures of thought. They did tell me a few things and one was "we are not who you think we are" and
"we are creating " referring to the hybrids. Now they made me feel like an object or guinea pig and told me to not be afraid usually in a simple
way the most often when communicating . I seen the hybrids on a few occasions so i know this program is true. Missing time often occurred and i would
just leave my house for no reason be gone for what was a few minutes next thing you know a few hours would be missing.
I seen other people too and a few times i would wake up with my shirt on inside out or my underwear on backwards?
I got the feeling they are using us but it might be from the whole being taken against my will thing.
Im still having regressive memories come to me that i had repressed in my mind for decades.
So like many i have been looking for answers , good evil?
I get so much different information on these beings and i just end up in circles.
I do believe that the MJ-12 exist and there was some kind of treaty and they ar? I had the feeling they may be replacing us or changing us to them
there is no ethics feelings right or wrong it is like a continuous process. They gave me the feeling they have been doing this for development of both
species. Human and them.
At the same time these beings showed me what i believe were things that might happen in the future scenarios if you will. They wanted me to have this
awareness for some reason.
I was shown the pentagon explosion years before 911 and knew this would happen when the planes hit GOD as my witness! and several family members
were there. It like pictures pushed in your head when they communicate not in words.
I have also had some ability to sense someones death before hand and pregnancy's before hand, don't know if this is related.
I think these beings have been here forever on and off and i think they are trying to stop us from destroying the earth because to them it is an
important place. At the same time i think they dont care about us or have a spiritual way about them everything is like order and purpose like the
japanese society.
They seem more like a conscious than entity's which can relate to the hive mind and the sense of operation they would function at. I got no emotion
from them
Sparks was correct about allot of things i can verify , the appearance is dead on and the getting sickly uncomfortable around the original tall Greys
who did the communicating.
Now i think there are some sub species of Greys that have been doing bad things like not returning people and the body parts being found on the craft
using our hemoglobin for nourishment. I think there may be truth to this. Also the missing children mystery and the eating of children seems
But i did not observe any of this on behalf of my captors
I was never treated as a "contacted" just as a lab frog
I have some resentment more for the fact that they took away my sense of security that they can just do what they want when they want
I think they were here in NOV 2007 at my house but i dont know why or if i had been taken. I went to bed unusually early and don't remember sleeping
and had that old feeling they were here when i remember looking at my alarm clock .
Next day I found small footprints in the snow going around my house leading to the woods behind my house where there was a large circle of melted snow
in a clearing about 80 feet in diameter. The tree branches were broken in places encompassing this circle at the edge.
Something that always stuck with me was the "we are not who you think are" still haunts
[edit on 5-2-2009 by The Truth Project]