posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:14 PM
Reading that and a couple of the linked articles within, I would have to say that the only reason the ESA needs them is for funding. E3 has become
this lifeless, bland lecture hall rather than the hopping fun gaming environment it once was and they are going to continue to fight for equality and
fairness from lawmakers and politicians regardless. Its their Prime Directive.
So, if ActiBlizz does not see any backlash from not renewing with the organization, then I would expect to see them with a near zero membership about
a year later. They have been doing such a good job, that I am sure their presence is now taken for granted.
The only way they can rally this back is by redesigning their policies. Get the Summit back to its glorified status, find some form of incentive
program (which I have no clue what that could be) for members and see what happens.
I am betting part of this is because LucasArts and ActiBlizz feel that they are above and beyond in greatness and legend that they just dont need to
be there anylonger. So, the devil's advocate part of this would be for the ESA to stop fighting and watch the fallout begin when the government
steps in and takes over and lets Whacky Jack get away with his every whim.