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I Believe Aliens Are Already here... Isit crazy?

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posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:40 PM
6 Months ago if someone came up to me and told me some of ufos are actual Alien craft, although i would of took it into consideration, that dont mean i wouldnt of laughed and said "yeah whatever mate"... (note before this time,
i had only heard about ufos in movies etc.. A reason I particularly think is why people find it laughable...) So around 6 months ago, i was bored and decided research the internet, and got a lil interest in possibilty of life on europa and other bodys in the solar system..(Aslong as I remeber I always thought "obvously we're not alone in the universe but I knew,
i wouldn't ever hear about NASA or anyone comfiming a planet with any intellegent or animal life, with pictures etc.. in my lifetime) as the closest solar systems etc would take thousands of years to get to with current techonology(as for what we know), althought a civilisation may off got past the speed off light hundreds of years ago as the techonolgy they may have developed. So when I got bored of reading about europa, I "randomly" typed in google "real aliens" and somehow I got to ufos etc, and being bored with nothing better to do... I watched some documenterys... "out of the blue"(the must see), the disclosure projects, exopolitics etc etc...

And now... hands down I am convinced!!!
Note: the only ufo I've seen was when me and my mate were chillin avin a beer outside at about half 2 in the morning.. we were lookin at the stars and were watching this one star moving going in one direction slowly for around 15 minutes lets say, then after that period of time it made a sharp right hand turn THEN sped up and dissapeared, we thought it was weird because of the movment but didnt really care or think about it as a ufo untill I started reading and watching about them, for all I know, it could of bin any type of public aircraft or anything, its jus looked like a star, wasnt blinking or anything... jus a moving star.. lol so who knows what it really was... and in all honestly I don't care... lol but I thought I should share before someone says have u ever seen a ufo with your own eyes yourself...

Back to the point... I see alot of people on here, the news making fun of the subject, when they clearly havn't looked into the evidence properly....
There is many many CREDIBLE people, revealing the reality of not only the goverment knowing about or using ufos, but them being actual alien craft...
Now I think there is something up here.... I am CONVINCED, forget about abuductions and contactees. There is a few hundred people X and current military, goverment, astranouts revealing this as a reality
being kept quiet...I just can't see how ALL these people are putting their reputation on the line for what half the world will just laugh at... why do it... would you really tell your friend you have intercourse with animals because it cures aids? because that is as silly as it sounds to some people...

So after viewing, learning all about this, watching documenterys, footage, interviews with astronauts, military goverment.... etc etc i just cant see how anyone can this isn't true, is there really that many
crazy people who have and who are in such important positions? and that the footage of ufos and other eye-witness acounts are ALL fakes n hoaxes???

So the questions is, are you conviced there is something going on?

On the other hand, if you think this is all aload off %*&^%$.... then why?
have you watched, the disclosure project, exopolitics, out of the blue, and many more....
Have you heard gordon cooper, and recently, edgar mitchel who is currently popular in the media?

I'm pretty sure i've left a few things out but i think that would be enough.... also have had enough of typing for now lol

Thanks for reading and hope to see your replys!!!

[edit on 7-8-2008 by ashpants]
This is the sort off thing that gives me reason to believe...

[edit on 7-8-2008 by ashpants]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:45 PM
Nope, not crazy at all.
Many people hold the same belief

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:37 PM
Same hear, now I believe 100%, what I don't understand is why they kept it secret, our goverments are notoriously inept, how could they have left such an issue in the hands of bildebergers and those sorts. No wander the world is so messed up. They need to disclose but I doubt they will, not this century, the lie is too big.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by ashpants

100% in the same boat too, mind you your WASTING your time if you try and hop on here and convince a skeptic. Were as you listened to the peoples testimony with no reservation (meaning you werent out to deny their story or quickly have some rebuttle about that little thing called evidence, but you silently listened) you found that there was a connection.

I too am 8 months into it, it was the documentary on the nat geo channel called seeing is believing with Dan Rather. RIP

ive seen all the documentaries you mentioned, and i love exopolitics sights too. you may find that the ET path leads to a meditative, metaphysical,astral,channelling, or even ET oriented spiritual path.. so take it one day at a time.

youll find that many people are afraid of the greys and very very defensive to the fact that UFO's are under ET control.

enjoy your stay at ATS. "WE'VE GOT YOU NOW" muh ha ha ha

[edit on 8/7/2008 by LordThumbs]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:06 PM
You can certainly believe anything you want. But you may be crazy if you know for absolutely sure that there are aliens running around on Earth, or are personally interacting with you.

Believing is accepting a notion without absolute proof. Fine. We all do that to one degree or another, and recognize it for what it is. However, if you think you've found absolute proof, then you are clearly mistaken and may have a mental problem that prevents you from thinking rationally.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by ashpants

i beleive that 80% of what we see is man made

and i beleive they are coming out of the wood work now to discuss the whole ufo/alien thing to get us prepared for the big show they will put on to fool some of the people some of the time and hopefully not all of the people all of the time..

i saw 21 "ufo's" like the star you described in one hour last november!
some were swimming in pairs, they were in all directions.

still don't know what they were, i am keeping an open mind!


posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:15 PM
It's not crazy, it's just the way you are.

Me, I am not that easily convinced (of anything, not just Aliens).

I know that there are things that are seen in our atmosphere (and out of the atmosphere) for which I don't have any explanation and for which I haven't seen any explanation that I considered complete, but that does not mean that they are Aliens or the result of Alien activities.

PS: I have never seen a UFO but I know two people that have seen a UFO (one each, I suppose in different occasions) here in Almada, Portugal.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Nohup
You can certainly believe anything you want. But you may be crazy if you know for absolutely sure that there are aliens running around on Earth, or are personally interacting with you.

Believing is accepting a notion without absolute proof. Fine. We all do that to one degree or another, and recognize it for what it is. However, if you think you've found absolute proof, then you are clearly mistaken and may have a mental problem that prevents you from thinking rationally.

I never said i know for 100% sure that aliens are running around on the earth and interacting with me, that i believe IS crazy as i have no reason to believe so, yet i am convinced they are observing our planet for whatever needs from their craft, and the goverment has come in contact with their technology.... the reason for this i am not gullable, i am hard to convince (i think neway) but when theres hundreds of people IN CREDIBLE positions coming forward, i find that hard to ignore... u see where i am coming from?

btw are you really robin williams? lol

[edit on 7-8-2008 by ashpants]

Also i don't believe in any spiritual, meditation stuff, i dont get how telepathy is meant to work also....i find that hard to comprehend as a reality also things like time travel sounds silly to me, but that doesnt mean that its impossible jus because i think all know is that something is going on

[edit on 7-8-2008 by ashpants]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by ashpants

Asking that question is just like saying 80% of the people believe in a god. Will I go to hell if I don't believe in a god?

Belief is one thing, fact is in a different ballpark.

Me? Takes real proof for me to believe in anything.

Care, luck and great night (or day) to you.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 11:18 AM
I think god ALOT harder to believe in as all the story and that sound nothing but silly to me.... ive had enough off my christians friends tell me how thats logic as there is no evidence what so ever... although most of the world believe... they say things about mircles but u only hear of these mircles from the christians there is no proof noone sayin hoax nothing... there js no evidence or proof nothing but "belief" as it seems, NOW you look at the whole alien subject which in my opinion is possible because who is to say we wont be visiting and observing other star systems in a few hundred years to say the least??? there is no "magic involved"... although it seems religeon does... what i am sayin is, there are all these credible people coming forward... what do they have to prove?? theyre not tryin to get you to join their "cult" to save you from your sins... as it seems theyre tryin to inform the general public and push the goverment into "disclosure" for the release this techology for the better of mankind.... if thats not the case, they are all so very despriate to get ridculed and laughed at...
I think i should of givin this thread a different name really... as i know IM not crazy... after watching all this testimony i think id be crazy to not have any suspisions...
Also the reason i believe this is kept quiet but the people in charge is because this all started not long after ww2... and the people would of probably "freaked out" after having their houses bombed and everything, the last thing the want is be worried about getting abducted or eatin or whatever by aliens lol.... maybe they're in it for the money...i thinks there is a dozen reasons why it has been kept secret....

Has anyone really heard all these peoples statements???
Or the do the MOD, Nasa, Goverment, etc hire people from a mental asylum?

[edit on 8-8-2008 by ashpants]

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