posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:49 AM
I had a dream last night. Unlike most of dreams I actually remember it. I didn't remember it when I first woke. As soon as the news mentioned the
upcoming bejing olympics, it all came flooding into my head like I just woke up from the dream. Also unlike most dreams this dream seemed very real
and vivid.
I dreamed I was watching the news and a tragity happended at the bejing olympics. What was it? I don't remember, a bombing, mass murder???? The dream
didn't tell me. What the dream did tell me was a confrence from President Bush saying that we NOW need to invade China to stop more terrorists.
Marshall Law is decleared because of this. There is no new election. President Bush is now running a Dictatorship.
I can't get the feeling of dread and hopelessness out of my head ever since this moring. Lets hope I can't say "I told you so"....