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9/11.Anomalies From That Fateful Day.

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posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 05:57 PM
Set below is a list of just some of the anomalies that occurred on 9/11.
When faced with such evidence can people still deny foul play??
(the source for this information comes mainly from 9/

The attack scenario was irrational on the part of the alleged hijackers, and its execution is incomprehensible in light of their behavior. There is little or no credible evidence that Arab hijackers were involved in the September 11th attack, except in the takeover of Flight 93.

1)The originating airport for Flights 11 and 175 was Boston Logan instead of any of several airports near New York City. This created about 40 minutes of exposure to interception for each flight.
2)Flight 77 flew to the Midwest before turning around to return to Washington D.C.. It was airborne an hour and 23 minutes before allegedly attacking the Pentagon. That would provide ample opportunity for interception even if the air defense system were mostly disabled.
3)Flight 93 flew to the Midwest before turning around to fly toward Washington D.C. Had it reached the capital, it would have been airborne for more than an hour and a half. The odds of escaping interception with that plan would be infinitesimal under standard operating procedures.
4)At least six of the alleged hijackers have turned up alive since the attack.
5)None of the four flight crews radioed Air Traffic Control about hijackings in progress.
6)None of the four flight crews punched in the four-digit hijacking code.
7)Mohammed Atta allegedly barely caught Flight 11, a key flight in the event that he was supposedly planning for years.
8)The alleged hijackers partied at topless bars and drank alcohol, despite being portrayed as fundamentalist Muslims, for whom such behavior would be surprising, to say the least.

Despite normal intercept times of between 10 and 20 minutes for errant domestic flights, the airliners commandeered on 9/11/01 roamed the skies for over an hour without interference.

1)According to NORAD's timeline the FAA reported errant airliners after inexplicable delays.
2)The FAA took 18 minutes to report Flight 11's loss of communication and deviation from its flight plan.
3)The FAA took 39 minutes to report Flight 77's deviation from its flight plan.
4)Despite the fact that Flights 11 and 175 were headed for New York City, no interceptors were scrambled from nearby La Guardia, or from Langley, Virginia.
5)Despite NORAD's having received formal notification of the first hijacking at 8:38, no interceptors were scrambled from Andrews to protect the nearby Pentagon until after it was hit at 9:37.
6)Two F-15s flying off the coast of Long Island were not redeployed to Manhattan until after the second tower was hit.
7)The two F-15s scrambled from Otis AFB to protect Manhattan could have reached the capital in 9.6 minutes once they arrived over New York City. That was still 34 minutes before the Pentagon was hit.

On 9/11/01 three skyscrapers were totally destroyed, with structural collapse primarily due to fires given as the explanation. Fires and bombings have never before or since caused steel-frame buildings to collapse.

1)Building 7 experienced total collapse, allegedly because of fires, when no steel-frame building before or since has ever collapsed, totally or even partially, due to fires. Building 7 was an over-engineered 47-story steel-frame skyscraper, standing over 350 feet from the nearest of the Twin Towers. Public evidence documents only small fires in it on September 11th.
2)Building 7 collapsed in a nearly perfectly vertical fall, producing only minor damage in the Verizon and Post Office buildings only 60 feet on either side of it.
3)Building 7 collapsed into a remarkably small rubble pile of mostly pulverized remains, when no steel building falling for any reason has ever pulverized itself.
4)The Twin Towers exploded into dust and shattered steel, a behavior inconsistent with the known behavior of steel structures outside of explosive demolition.
5)The South Tower's core structure was largely undamaged by the off-centered jet impact, unlike the North Tower, yet it collapsed sooner.
6)Both towers started to disintegrate at regions above and below the crash zones in the first seconds of their falls.
7)Both towers fell straight down, through themselves, following the path of maximum resistance, a behavior never before observed in spontaneous collapses of any type of vertical structure.
8)The collapses of both towers exhibited features never otherwise seen except in controlled demolitions: sudden onset accompanied by thunderous bangs, visible explosions ringing their perimeters, energetic ejections of dust at regular intervals, and copious production of dust.
9)Both towers exploded outward and were shredded and pulverized -- a pattern of destruction much more destructive than normal controlled demolitions, yet this result was supposedly produced without the added energy of explosives.

The Pentagon attack defies expectations that this prime terrorist target would have been defended,and that a terrorist would have hit the front side in a simple maneuver,rather than the back side in an extreme precision aerobatic maneuver.

1)The Pentagon was hit after ample warning without being protected by any defensive action.
2)The 9:37 strike was well over an hour after the first signs of a hijacking and 34 minutes after the South Tower strike confirmed that an attack was underway.
3)The Pentagon is within 11 miles of Andrews Air Force Base, which apparently had two combat-ready fighter wings on 9/11/01.
4)The spiral dive approach to the Pentagon was such an extreme maneuver that experienced air traffic controllers thought it was military jet.The tree-top final approach skimmed objects in the yard and crashed the plane into the first floor of the building. Experienced pilots have wondered if any human pilot could have executed the maneuver.
5)Investigators were not allowed access to the crash site until well into October.
6)Eyewitnesses reported the smell of cordite.
7)Only two video segments have been released by the Pentagon from all the security cameras that monitor its periphery.Neither clearly shows the attack aircraft.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 11:21 PM
i]reply to post by jakyll

1)The originating airport for Flights 11 and 175 was Boston Logan instead of any of several airports near New York City. This created about 40 minutes of exposure to interception for each flight.

How is this an anomaly? That the hijackers chose an airport known for crappy security? As for the rest of your "anomaly" do some honest research into the FAA and how events were handled that day.

2)Flight 77 flew to the Midwest before turning around to return to Washington D.C.. It was airborne an hour and 23 minutes before allegedly attacking the Pentagon. That would provide ample opportunity for interception even if the air defense system were mostly disabled

Ah, now you are an expert in continental air defense?
Well lets take a look at the records shall we?

By 9:25, FAA’s Herndon Command Center and FAA headquarters knew two aircraft had crashed into the World Trade Center. They knew American 77 was lost. At least some FAA officials in Boston Center and the New England Region knew that a hijacker on board American 11 had said “we have some planes.” Concerns over the safety of other aircraft began to mount.A manager at the Herndon Command Center asked FAA headquarters if they wanted to order a “nationwide ground stop.” While this was being discussed by executives at FAA headquarters, the Command Center ordered one at 9:25

The Command Center kept looking for American 77. At 9:21, it advised the Dulles terminal control facility, and Dulles urged its controllers to look for primary targets. At 9:32, they found one. Several of the Dulles controllers “observed a primary radar target tracking eastbound at a high rate of speed” and notified Reagan National Airport.FAA personnel at both Reagan National and Dulles airports notified the Secret Service.The aircraft’s identity or type was unknown

9:32...a couple of minutes before it hit the Pentagon....So when was NEADS notified about Flight 77....

After consulting with NEADS command, the crew commander issued the order at 9:23:“Okay . . . scramble Langley. Head them towards the Washington area. . . . [I]f they’re there then we’ll run on them. . . .These guys are smart.” That order was processed and transmitted to Langley Air Force Base at 9:24. Radar data show the Langley fighters airborne at 9:30. NEADS decided to keep the Otis fighters over NewYork. The heading of the Langley fighters was adjusted to send them to the Baltimore area. The mission crew commander explained to us that the purpose was to position the Langley fighters between the reported southbound American 11 and the nation’s capital.

Well at this point, Air Defense officials are still mistakenly looking for Flight 11....

At the suggestion of the Boston Center’s military liaison, NEADS contacted the FAA’s Washington Center to ask about American 11. In the course of the conversation, a Washington Center manager informed NEADS:“We’re looking— we also lost American 77.”The time was 9:34. This was the first notice to the military that American 77 was missing, and it had come by chance.

So, the FIRST word that NEADS had that Flight 77 was a hijacked was at 9:34...leaving absolutely NO chance for it to be intercepted before it hit the Pentagon.

4)At least six of the alleged hijackers have turned up alive since the attack

Um, no, they havent. Six men with names SIMILAR to those of the hijackers are still alive, not the hijackers.

5)None of the four flight crews radioed Air Traffic Control about hijackings in progress.

Yep, hijackers bursting into the cockpit, are going to stop and patiently wait for the pilots to radio in. Not to mention, the first reaction of the aircrew is going to be to turn to the door and have a "What the h*ll" which it is too late.

6)None of the four flight crews punched in the four-digit hijacking code.

See above.......

7)Mohammed Atta allegedly barely caught Flight 11, a key flight in the event that he was supposedly planning for years.

So either his connecting flight was early or he spent an extra couple minutes praying in the bathroom....this is not an anomaly.

8)The alleged hijackers partied at topless bars and drank alcohol, despite being portrayed as fundamentalist Muslims, for whom such behavior would be surprising, to say the least.

Ample history of the kinds of behavior being shown by Muslims going on suicide missions......

Despite the fact that Flights 11 and 175 were headed for New York City, no interceptors were scrambled from nearby La Guardia, or from Langley, Virginia.

Umm, since when does La Guardia have interceptors? And fighters WERE scrambled from 9:30AM.

7)The two F-15s scrambled from Otis AFB to protect Manhattan could have reached the capital in 9.6 minutes once they arrived over New York City. That was still 34 minutes before the Pentagon was hit.

and thirty minutes before the Air Force was aware that flight 77 was inbound to Washington.....

3)The Pentagon is within 11 miles of Andrews Air Force Base, which apparently had two combat-ready fighter wings on 9/11/01.

Combat ready does not mean that there are fighters loaded for war 24/7, it means that the units are able to deploy to fight a war.

5)Investigators were not allowed access to the crash site until well into October.

Not sure where you got this one but its not true either. There were investigators at the Pentagon on the afternoon of 9/11/01.

So far, your "anomalies" are a bunch of crap reposted from a conspiracy site that has no interest in the truth.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

Is there some Official Report that says the Airport in Boston had "crappy" Security?

Also, if there was "crappy" security there, can you kindly tell us who was fired?

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
i]reply to post by jakyll

8)The alleged hijackers partied at topless bars and drank alcohol, despite being portrayed as fundamentalist Muslims, for whom such behavior would be surprising, to say the least.

Ample history of the kinds of behavior being shown by Muslims going on suicide missions......

Swampy, I'm something of a party animal myself. Do you suppose you could favor us with sources on this one? I'm curious about what the devout do as they prepare to meet their maker.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:01 PM

How is this an anomaly? That the hijackers chose an airport known for crappy security? As for the rest of your "anomaly" do some honest research into the FAA and how events were handled that day.

Your missing the point.This isn't about ground security but the length of time they were in the air.

This created about 40 minutes of exposure to interception for each flight.

So, the FIRST word that NEADS had that Flight 77 was a hijacked was at 9:34...leaving absolutely NO chance for it to be intercepted before it hit the Pentagon.

(9:24 a.m.) September 11, 2001:FAA Notifies NORAD Flight 77 Is Hijacked and Washington-Bound; 9/11 Commission Claims This Never Happens.
Shortly after 9/11, NORAD reported that the FAA notified them at this time that Flight 77 “may” have been hijacked and that it appears headed toward Washington.
Apparently, flight controllers at Dulles International Airport discover a plane heading at high speed toward Washington; an alert is sounded within moments that the plane appears to be headed toward the White House.
In 2003, the FAA supported this account, but claimed that they had informally notified NORAD earlier. “NORAD logs indicate that the FAA made formal notification about American Flight 77 at 9:24 a.m. (see (9:24 a.m.) September 11, 2001), but information about the flight was conveyed continuously during the phone bridges before the formal notification.” [Federal Aviation Administration, 5/22/2003] Yet in 2004, the 9/11 Commission claims that both NORAD and the FAA are wrong. The 9/11 Commission explains that the notification NEADS received at 9:24 a.m. was the incorrect information that Flight 11 had not hit the WTC and was headed south for Washington, D.C. Thus, according to the 9/11 Commission, NORAD is never notified by the FAA about the hijacking of Flight 77, but accidentally learns about it at 9:34 a.m.
[Washington Post, 11/3/2001.CNN, 9/17/2001; North American Aerospace Defense Command, 9/18/2001; Guardian, 10/17/2001; Associated Press, 8/21/2002]

(9:26 a.m.) September 11, 2001: Cheney Given Updates on Unidentified Flight 77 Heading toward Washington; Says ‘Orders Still Stand’
According to some accounts, Vice President Dick Cheney is in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) below the White House by this time, along with Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta and others. Mineta will recall that, while a suspicious plane is heading toward Washington, an unidentified young man comes in and says to Cheney, “The plane is 50 miles out.” Mineta confers with acting FAA Deputy Administrator Monte Belger, who is at the FAA’s Washington headquarters. Belger says to him: “We’re watching this target on the radar, but the transponder’s been turned off. So we have no identification.” According to Mineta, the young man continues updating the vice president, saying, “The plane is 30 miles out,” and when he gets down to “The plane is 10 miles out,” asks, “Do the orders still stand?” In response, Cheney “whipped his neck around and said, ‘Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?’” Mineta will say that, “just by the nature of all the events going on,” he infers that the order being referred to is a shootdown order. Nevertheless, Flight 77 continues on and hits the Pentagon. [BBC, 9/1/2002; ABC News, 9/11/2002; 9/11 Commission, 5/23/2003; St. Petersburg Times, 7/4/2004] However, the 9/11 Commission will later claim the plane heading toward Washington is only discovered by the Dulles Airport air traffic control tower at 9:32 a.m.
But earlier accounts, including statements made by the FAA and NORAD, will claim that the FAA notified the military about the suspected hijacking of Flight 77 at 9:24 a.m.,
The FBI’s Washington Field Office was also reportedly notified that Flight 77 had been hijacked at about 9:20 a.m.The 9/11 Commission will further contradict Mineta’s account saying that, despite the “conflicting evidence as to when the vice president arrived in the shelter conference room [i.e., the PEOC],” it has concluded that he only arrived there at 9:58 a.m. [9/11 Commission, 6/17/2004]

9:30 a.m. September 11, 2001: Langley Fighters Take Off Toward Washington; They Could Reach City in Six Minutes but Take Half an Hour
The three F-16s at Langley, Virginia, get airborne.If the assumed NORAD departure time is correct, the F-16s would have to travel slightly over 700 mph to reach Washington before Flight 77 does. The maximum speed of an F-16 is 1,500 mph.Even traveling at 1,300 mph, these planes could have reached Washington in six minutes—well before any claim of when Flight 77 crashed. Yet it is claimed they are accidentally directed over the Atlantic Ocean instead, and they will only reach Washington about 30 minutes later. NORAD commander Major General Larry Arnold admits in 2003 testimony that had the fighters been going at full speed, “it is physically possible that they could have gotten over Washington” before Flight 77. But asked if the fighters would have had shootdown authorization had they reached the hijacked plane, Arnold says no, claiming that even by this time in the morning it is only “through hindsight that we are certain that this was a coordinated attack on the United States.” [9/11 Commission, 5/23/2003 Sources: Larry Arnold.Washington Post, 9/12/2001; North American Aerospace Defense Command, 9/18/2001; ABC News, 9/11/2002; 9/11 Commission, 6/17/2004]

9:37 a.m. September 11, 2001: Langley Fighters Still Short of Washington; Where and Why Is Not Clear.
Accounts differ as to how far from Washington the F-16 fighters scrambled from Langley are when Flight 77 crashes. The Langley, Virginia, base is 129 miles from Washington. NORAD originally claimed that, at the time of the crash, the fighters are 105 miles away, despite having taken off seven minutes earlier. [North American Aerospace Defense Command, 9/18/2001] The 9/11 Commission claims that at 9:36 a.m., NEADS discovers that Flight 77 is only a few miles from the White House and is dismayed to find the fighters have headed east over the ocean. They are ordered to Washington immediately, but are still about 150 miles away. This is farther away than the base from which they took off. [9/11 Commission, 6/17/2004]

It would appear that they had enough time.

Um, no, they havent. Six men with names SIMILAR to those of the hijackers are still alive, not the hijackers.

Another of the men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington and New York has turned up alive and well.The identities of four of the 19 suspects accused of having carried out the attacks are now in doubt.Saudi Arabian pilot Waleed Al Shehri was one of five men that the FBI said had deliberately crashed American Airlines flight 11 into the World Trade Centre on 11 September.His photograph was released, and has since appeared in newspapers and on television around the world. Now he is protesting his innocence from Casablanca,Morocco.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

Yep, hijackers bursting into the cockpit, are going to stop and patiently wait for the pilots to radio in. Not to mention, the first reaction of the aircrew is going to be to turn to the door and have a "What the h*ll" which it is too late.

Do a test for me,try bursting into a cockpit and see how long it takes you.Its not like in the movies.

So either his connecting flight was early or he spent an extra couple minutes praying in the bathroom....this is not an anomaly.

Has to be one of the dumbest things i've ever heard.
You don't f**k about in these kind've situations mate.

Ample history of the kinds of behavior being shown by Muslims going on suicide missions......

Would you like to share some of this ample history because i can't seem to find any.

Combat ready does not mean that there are fighters loaded for war 24/7, it means that the units are able to deploy to fight a war.

If they are not loaded 24/7 then there is no point having them able to deploy to fight a "war" is there,they won't be ready on time.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:23 PM

If they are not loaded 24/7 then there is no point having them able to deploy to fight a "war" is there,they won't be ready on time.

Be ready to deploy in war is very different from jumping in cockpit
taking off and shooting someone down. First fuel - I sure some of AF
experts can set me straight, but I don't believe aircraft are sitting around
fully ueled. Also armed, aircraft didnt have live weapons loaded. Takes
time to load weapons and only after authorized. Pilots are not sitting in cockpit drinking coffee waiting.

There were only 14 aircraft fueled and armed for air defense. Also
pilots need vector to intercept, with 4000 aircraft in air over US and
with no transponder to highlight aircraft almost impossible to locate
hijacked aircraft in time. Pilots also need authorization to use their
weapons, such authority was not there, supposed to intercept and watch
So even if could have intercepted would not have been able to pull trigger
Only after 2nd hijacked aircraft hit WTC was realized what was going on

Try reading "TOUCHING HISTORY" by Lynn Spencer, gives full account
of what was going on that morning and how Neads and local ANG
commanders were able on to launch and set CAP over Washington
and NYC by improvising.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 09:08 PM

Pilots are not sitting in cockpit drinking coffee waiting.


There are varying degrees of combat readiness.If the US air force is anything like the Royal Air Force then a certain number of bases should have jets fully fueled and fully armed,and the only thing you have to wait for is the pilot.This is standard defensive procedure.

As soon as the 2nd plane hit the Tower and confirmed the 1st was no accident then there should've been jets in the skies above Washington anyway.

There were only 14 aircraft fueled and armed for air defense.

Only 14.
Britain has more than that ready at all times and we're tiny compared to America.

A cpl of sites you may find of interest.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by talisman

In the weeks after 9/11, there were quite a few reports about security concerns at Logan. Including reports how concerned individuals had contacted John Kerry's office to try to get something done.

To answer your question, to my knowledge, no one at Logan got fired. Of course, if the hijackers were only carrying utility knives, they werent breaking the law either. So, if the hijackers werent carrying prohibited items...who would you fire and for what?

Swampy, I'm something of a party animal myself. Do you suppose you could favor us with sources on this one? I'm curious about what the devout do as they prepare to meet their maker

Read some history books about muslim extremists.

Your missing the point.This isn't about ground security but the length of time they were in the air

No, Im NOT missing the point. You are failing to understand what happened that day.

Then back to the hijacker alive statement....

Also from the BBC...

The confusion over names and identities we reported back in 2001 may have arisen because these were common Arabic and Islamic names.

The first is his name. The FBI uses Waleed M. Alshehri, while the pilot referred to by the BBC is Waleed A. Alshehri.

OOPS looks like the BBC had the wrong Alshehri...

Read these pages..

Do a test for me,try bursting into a cockpit and see how long it takes you.Its not like in the movies.

NOW, virtually impossible...back then, not that hard. Or did you forget one of the first things that changed here was the airlines reinforcing the cockpit doors (not to mention chastising the airlines because prior to 9/11, they did not always keep the cockpit doors shut)

If they are not loaded 24/7 then there is no point having them able to deploy to fight a "war" is there,they won't be ready on time.

You do not leave fighter jets sitting around fully armed unless they are on alert status or IN a war zone. Its called safety, not to mention certain weapons cannot be left for days/weeks/months on end exposed to the elements. NOW, given cold status, my unit can have fully armed aircraft in less than two hours..(which we did on 9/11/01)

For thedman....we normally refuel jets shortly after landing. Full fuel tanks are less volatile than half empty tanks.

Britain has more than that ready at all times and we're tiny compared to America

And prior to 9/11, we thought the Atlantic/Pacific Oceans would help give us notice that something bad was going to happen.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

Swampy, I'm something of a party animal myself. Do you suppose you could favor us with sources on this one? I'm curious about what the devout do as they prepare to meet their maker

Read some history books about muslim extremists.

I take it you have more pressing matters at hand than to deal with my own niggling demands. Are you bailing out State again today?

Well, I guess I'll just go and have another schnapps. I wish you were here to have one with me. I would love to pick your brains, you know, do an enema on the Bush administration. Er . . . perhaps thats the wrong choice of words. But really, I do wish you would open up more.

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