posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 09:02 PM
Hey Malakiem,
Sounds like you're in a really dark place.
I think that maybe you should believe in yourself a little bit more and forget about a specific religion.
Religion is all about faith. Every religion sees itself as the best and the one closest to "God"
Believing in yourself will inspire self confidence, self awareness and an unconfused state, to a certain degree.
This damn world moves soooo fast these days and the print media tells us what to wear, what to look like and what is cool. Everyone wants to be the
cool person.
Having been one of the cool people in school, trust me when I tell you that believing in yourself is the first step to understanding the bigger world
and the really big questions. You will find knowledge you seek in time.
"nosce te ipsum" is a Latin phrase, look it up and gain a bit of understanding.
Cheer up!!