posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 11:46 AM
i have been here for a little bit now. i don't write too much. i read the entries here though. i'm confused. i see some people who write good
things. i see some people who seem groovy. then for no reason some of these members get mad and go away. why? ats is a groovy site. but remember it is
a site. i know i have stress in my life just like everyone does. do my number of points mean anything? no. i could have a trillion points but the lady
at starbucks isn't going to let me even take an empty cup because of them points. if a person writes something on here that isn't nice does it
effect my real life? no. i can't say it does. i like when some people debate what i think. it's groovy to have a different opinion. why get mad and
leave? why get upset? there are people here i like to read. there are people here i don't like very much. if someone i don't like says something bad
about me why should i care? if i run away then they win. no one ever said i was very smart. my parents used to say if someone makes you mad just smile
at them and be nice. maybe that was good advice. i've seen a couple other boards. nothing like this one though. like i said i'm not very smart but i
do know what class is. this one has class.